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Not sure if this topic could properly be called a discusssion but I wanted to share my joy ...

Few of my friends are more than mildly interested in stargazing and none is excited about eyepieces. One friend even dismissed my interest as an 'auld mannie's obsession'!

So I thought I'd turn to the cognoscenti, who may appreciate how chuffed I am.

I have spent some months in reaching what I think is a milestone in putting together my observing equipment. (I'm visual only.) The collection is modest in comparison to many - but magnificent in my eyes!

There was a thread some time back about EP cases and I enjoyed seeing some of the equipment others had amassed and how they organised it. Well here's my stuff.

Eyepiece case:


Grab n' go case:


All I need now are clear skies and the chance to learn more ...

Thanks for reading.

p.s. Not trying to resurrecrt that aforementioned EP case thread, but reading between the lines on SGL everybody's collection seems to change/grow/morph. So I'd love to read and see more on how others have their 'stuff' set up.

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Lovely stuff there  :smiley:

I seem to be in a similar position, no one around me seems at all interested in astronomy and think the money spent is silly. But does it matter....no....not one bit, because when the night is dark and clear, the enjoyment is exciting.....and I lose myself in the wonder of it all.

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Some nice things there  :smiley:

The one that caught my eye, amongst the black and green ones, was the Widescan III 30mm. I used to have a set of those a few years ago. In the F/10 scopes I had back then they get great performers and even "out-Naglered" the Naglers by offering 84 degree fields of view.

Not so good as my scopes got faster though, alas :undecided:

They did serve to give me a taste for ultra wide views though ! 

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Yes, Matthew, TV76 it is, bought from a fellow SGL member. It's great - even though I haven't had a chance to use it much. Oh, AND I made a fool of myself by looking through it the wrong way!!

But as Dusty Springfield sang - 'I've been wrong before' ...

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Mary, not long. But my wife has been VERY understanding.

Guess I'll have to be the same when she hits me with her shopping plan ...

Luke, it is the Nagler 3-6. Like the TV76, it was bought from a fellow Lounger. I've been like a snapper, gobbling up the pieces I wanted as quickly as possible. After all, the hobby is astromoney, isn't it? The little inheritance my daughter may have looked forward to receiving is now somewhat littler. But I figure she can inherit some good glass instead or flog it off ... And at present she has a happy dad!

You are only young once - but you can be immature forever.

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Yes there is always that happy feeling when you have a nice set of kit, but it's not hard to understand why non astronomers don't get so excited about your glass collection ;)

Especially when they see the filters and don't understand how that little circle of glass can be hundreds of pounds.

I probably wouldn't look through EP's much if it wasn't for the kids though, it's a lot easier for them to relate to the image in the EP than the one on the laptop.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks, everyone, for your replies. Gonna copy them and force my pals to read 'em!

Well, perhaps best not - I can already see that lack of understanding on those unimpressed faces and hear the whispered queries about my sanity ...

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Hi Gordon,

I would not bother, it would be a waste of time.

I think Sandraj put it very well. We all, or certainly most of us love and enjoy this hobby in

the peace and solitude of our gardens, in the middle of the night..........wonderful eh! :smiley:

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What a cracking good set up Gordon. I share the same feeling with mine, years of small steps and couragious big leaps (£££!) to get that feeling.

As someone mentioned though, you only see their true value when it's dark and you can't see 'em anyway!

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