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Vixen FL80S diagonal swap over

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Hi can anyone confirm if its possibe to convert the standard focuser to take 1.25" mirror diagonals.

The current diagonal is a prism one, I'm assuming this is inferior to the modern dielectric ones?

The cost to convert over to a Moonlight is just too prohibative currently.


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Prism diagonals if made to a good standard are as good or better than mirror ones. Vixen kit is top notch and so your prism should be of good quality.

In my opinion Takahashi 1.25" prism diagonals are the best 1.25" diagonals you can buy, period, with their superb rotating locking collar - and only around £70 new!

In longer achromats prisms are believed to often reduce CA, although I appreciate this won't be relevant to your fluourite scope - a lovely scope by the way!

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Kept the prism diagonal and ordered a Baader 1.25" adapter with a helical focuser attachment like this:


The idea being rough focus with the main focuser and then fine with the helical.

Had it up against my Equinox 80 last night (not brilliant seeing) and we were all of the opinion that it beat the Equinox, wow what a scope!

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