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Thinking about doing this in Gran Canaria - thoughts?


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         I'm off to Meloneras in Gran Canaria in just under three weeks' time and naturally the thought of the skies down there came to mind. Renowned for their steadiness and clarity away from light populated areas. So, this morning I decided to just do a quick search around on the net about sky conditions down there and then I discovered what appears to be this little gem :-

AstroGC - http://astrogc.com/

They come and pick you up from your hotel around 9pm and take you up into the mountains and then you get to spend around 2 hours viewing (with a few other tour guests) through a 16" Lightbridge. They then drop you back at your hotel around midnight - All for 35 euro (it'll just be me going as the rest of the family are not interested!).

Anyway, I spoke to my wife this evening thinking she wouldn't have any of it considering she would be back at the hotel with the kids - but she actually said she would treat me to it as part of my Father's Day pressie.

The TripAdvisor reviews seem promising :-


But before I go ahead and commit, I was wondering if anyone on here has ever done the trip before or has some more info on it? I did a forum search and couldn't find anything. 

I think the opportunity to view with a 16" dob under the Canary skies is too much to refuse!! Should get excellent views of Saturn, M13, M4, Lagoon Nub, etc - as well has hoping to get a clearer view of the spiral structure in M51 (can just about detect this in my back garden in the 8"). The moon is forecast to be totally out of the way on the dates I'm thinking about so a total bonus there too!!

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I've never been to Gran-Canaria but that trip looks well worth it, being able to view the skies from there is something I'd love to do and to do it through a 16" scope just adds to the thrill I'd jump at the chance if it was me :smiley:  

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Yes, I agree about the risk of darkness but there are a few things to bear in mind :-

1. It's the only time of the year I'm going to be there!

2. An 'all nighter' is never going to be an option for me with the whole family with me in hols at the time.

3. As the Canaries are at 28 degrees latitude, the sky darkens much faster down there than it does up at our latitude at this time of year. I've been in the Canaries before at the end of May one year and couldn't get over how the sun dropped like a stone and how quickly it got dark compared with home.

4. The planets should look fab regardless (Saturn and Mars)

5. Some objects (regardless of how dark it actually gets) can never be seen from my home location (remember I'm up here in NI - Scorpius and Saggitarius are pretty much not visible from here at all - let alone comparable to the view up a mountain in Gran Canaria.

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Sounds OK , but the Sun sets around 9pm in three weeks , pretty much Summer Solstice so a 2 hour session from 10-midnite is going to be a bit hit and miss as it won't be properly 'dark'.

Oh it will.

That's one of the benefits of being further south (strictly speaking: closer to the equator). The difference between the length of day or night gets smaller. So even here in southern Spain we get "proper" darkness even at mid-summer. Further south, even if the sun sets at the same time, it'll get darker quicker.

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Well done Greg in finding this facility. I often fancied going to La Palma but the number of hotels seem limited and the costs are much higher. Gran Canaria has far more hotels. Let us know how you get on and whether the tour is well organised and enjoy the trip and the views of those more difficult objects.

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I'm gonna take the plunge guys! Can't resist it. I've fired a quick email off to the guy running the tour with a few questions such as can you suggest objects to look at, etc.

Once he gets back to me and all seems ok it's getting booked!  :smiley:

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Ah, excellent! Just checked in Stellarium and Omega Centauri will be due south at 11pm. For some reason I thought it wouldn't be in view - but it is!! Will defo ask for that as I've always wanted to see it (even though it will be quite low).

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In case you're taking bins, Omega Centauri would be visible in 10x50s from just a degree or so above the horizon if it is clear. Centaurus A in bins is more of a challenge, but I spotted it at around 10 deg having memorised the field... there's a helpful 'hook' of stars (sort of an arrow with one of its lines missing) pointing from the NE towards it. 

Another one not to miss is M83. Although it is visible in the UK (I think), it's a superb object at more southern latitudes. Through a 16" I imagine it will be a feast. If you have time there's the Centaurus galaxy cluster too not far from M83 but that might require some dedicated eyepiece time!


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In case you're taking bins, Omega Centauri would be visible in 10x50s from just a degree or so above the horizon if it is clear. Centaurus A in bins is more of a challenge, but I spotted it at around 10 deg having memorised the field... there's a helpful 'hook' of stars (sort of an arrow with one of its lines missing) pointing from the NE towards it. 

Another one not to miss is M83. Although it is visible in the UK (I think), it's a superb object at more southern latitudes. Through a 16" I imagine it will be a feast. If you have time there's the Centaurus galaxy cluster too not far from M83 but that might require some dedicated eyepiece time!


Martin with all these delights you have mentioned I might join Greg on the trip :smiley:

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I can't wait! The guy has got back to me and says that most people can see the spiral structure of M51 clearly through his scope. He reckons objects like the Lagoon could be a bit of an issue at that time because they will still be in the SE at low altitude (toward light pollution). He did mention that he is getting a filter though which he hopes to have available by the time I arrive.

Objects that should be great though are: M81, M82, M51, M57, M3, M4, Coma / Virgo Galaxies, Saturn, Mars. Objects that I might ask for are: M97, M101, NGC4565. I will also ask him to show: Omega Centauri and Centaurus A - though they will be low. Of course there will be others on the tour so I can't fully control the list of objects to view!

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Looking forward to the review.

I went on one in the Sahara , it was not bad but because there is 20 to 25 people all having a turn at the scope , you did not have long enough at the eyepiece. They had two scopes as well and a set observing list which they did not want to stray from.

Have a great time ....

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The average at this one is 2 to 4 people. Max is 7. One scope. Guy has a plan for the night but is happy for you to suggest your own objects. I've been in email contact with him this evening. He seems flexible. Sure, it's a relaxing few hours under the stars which will be a nice wee treat during a family holiday :-)

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I found this little place many years ago in Fuerteventura sol gorriones http://www.melia.com/en/hotels/spain/fuerteventura/melia-gorriones/activities-and-entertainment.html if you look in the picture header you can see a familiar shape

in it is quite a nice 14" tracking scope a make I did not recognise but it was very nicly setup although it is a few meters from one of the main play areas the main lights go out at 11pm leaving just the little knee high path markers lit for the guests

the use of the scope is an extra charge but not sure what it is now as I've not been for over 7 years 10 euro is for a few hours but after the first few times the guide lets you get on with it he even gave me the key to lock it at one point as there was only me using it.


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