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Binoviewers and zoom eyepieces

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Does anyone use zoom eyepieces on their binoviewers. I have tried a pair of Baader Hyperions zooms which although just worked I found my eye placement almost impossible. Added to this problem the size of the eyepieces made it difficult to place your nose between the EPs.

I have noticed that the Lunt zoom is much smaller and therefore could be an option.

Any views on zooms in binoviewers or opinions on the Lunt zoom.

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Yup - that's the only thing with the Baader zooms and WO binoviewers - too fat and chubby to get you're nose in between and eye's in the right place for effective observing. I don't know the Lunt zoom Mark, but the Baader Maxbright bv's do very well with Delos's I've heard - and I tried the Denks with twin Ethos 13mm's which are just "off planet" excellence - and Earth pocket emptying lol. :)

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Yup - that's the only thing with the Baader zooms and WO binoviewers - too fat and chubby to get you're nose in between and eye's in the right place for effective observing. I don't know the Lunt zoom Mark, but the Baader Maxbright bv's do very well with Delos's I've heard - and I tried the Denks with twin Ethos 13mm's which are just "off planet" excellence - and Earth pocket emptying lol. :)

Thanks Kim - currently I use 25mm plossls, 15mm Skywatcher wide field and 12.5mm WO Planetary. I know I can buy cheap zooms but felt that the Lunt zoom appeared to be a reasonable quality although maybe not as good as the Baader Hyperion. I am hoping to visit the IAS on the Sunday to see what is available and take the Binoviewers with me.

Your views of the Denks with the 13mm Ethos must have been quite an experience.

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Oh that's good - I'm going to the IAS on the Sunday too Mark - would be nice to meet you - I'll be wearing a green cap and an IAS black fleece (should have the "shorter - flossy haired" missus with me too - god knows what she'll be wearing or what colour her hair will be - it changes every 30secs :rolleyes:  ).

So if you see a couple matching that description - do come over and say hi lol. :)

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Well I have just ordered a Pentax zoom to see if I like it. If it is OK then I will go mad and buy another. The first thing I will need to try is the ability to focus on the 4" Frac and the 180mm Mak/Cass and whether I need a barlow. I am pretty sure that I will require one on the Frac.

If the Pentax is as good as I hope then it will interesting to compare with the individual fixed EPs. Watch this space.

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Thanks Alan I am pretty sure there won't be a problem with the Mak. In the end I bought this Pentax zoom - http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p1623_Pentax-XF-Zoom---6-5mm-to-19-5mm---ideal-for-binoviewers.html

I just bought the one EP at the moment the to see if I like it - then if OK I will buy another. I just love the view of the Moon and Planets using binoviewers. Also, the view of the Sun using binoviewers and a Herschel Wedge is just fantastic.

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