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Advice please on possible RC telescope/CCD combo.

Andrew INT

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Hi All,

I have been giving this telescope some serious consideration for my new observatory next year: http://www.altairastro.com/product.php?productid=16734

It has a 3250mm focal length but a 0.67 focal reducer would bring it down to 2177.5mm. Something like this:  http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p4955_Astro-Physics-CCDT67-0-67x-Reducer-2----e-g--for-GSO-RC.html

For imaging galaxies, I've been looking at the 6.1mp QSI 660 CCD : http://www.iankingimaging.com/show_product.php?id=1509

If my calculations are correct, I think this would give a FOV of 19.7 arcmins and a resolution of 0.43.

Do you think this is an okay combination? Without the reducer is has a FOV of 13.2 and a res of 0.288 which I understand would be pretty hard to image with?

Any advice guidance is always welcomed!

Many thanks,


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One thing you need to consider is your skies. Sure the equipement can image at a resolution 0.43 but if your skies will only allow 1.00 then you need to consider if that combo is worth it. You can go down in equipement and save some money or spend it elsewhere.

Also have you looked at the Planewave scopes? They have some top notch equipement.

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Planewave telescopes do look well designed...but unfortunately way over my budget...even if I sell both my kidneys...and eyes. :(

Well definately a 16" one. I was more looking at maybe a 12.5" one. I think that would be about the same price. Not sure if you are wanting to drop that much FL though.

But if you're dead set on the above combo then I think they would pair well together. Just got to make sure you have the mount that can support it. At that size of scope and that FL you really dont want to even be pushing the max of a mount. Do you have one in mind alreasy?

A second thought have you had a look at the GSO RCs? Not sure on the price but I've heard some good things about them as well.

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I don't see any point in trying to resolve at 0.43 arcsecs per pixel. Some argue that it can be worthwhile but they are usually working from elevated sites with excellent seeing. I've used an ODK14 (on Mesu200) at 0.6 from my excellent site at 900 metres and I'm not sure it was really worth it. I suspect the greater sensitivity of larger pixels would have brought a greater real benefit than the 0.6 arcsecs resolution and I wouldn't entertain going lower.

Interestingly the owner of the 14 inch ODK I used has now switched to an ODK 10 inch with a smaller pixel camera giving comparable pixel scale and the difference is - frankly negligible. You got a bigger picture from the larger pixel, full frame camera and 14 inch but the quality was really no different.

If setting up a galaxy imaging rig here I personally would be looking for one arcsecond per pixel. 


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