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Starting up Sky-Watcher 130p

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Hi everyone, 

i am a complete novice to appraising the heavens through a tube with mirrors and would like some advice. I have a Sky-watcher 130p with EQ2 mount ( B-day present as requested from my wife) which came with a 10mm and 25mm super wide eyepieces. I also got a 2x barlow (standard quality if not cheap) and green hue filter (asked for moon). I have been extremely pleased with the views of Jupiter although its famous storm is hiding on the wrong side atm, i was gobsmacked when i could see the rings on Saturn. Then i realised a little patience paid off and i noticed the little sparks of light in a line with both planets were not just the reflections of crappy optics but their moons i came to the conclusion I need more........

So this is where i draw upon the vast knowledge here and ask for your help. I would like to purchase some accessories...barlows, eyepieces, filters or whatever would help.

I understand that i cant go and buy some televue 5x barlow and expect the universe to be burned into my retina but can i ask for some sensible advice? Ihave looked at a 3x barlow and some 6mm eyepieces i don't mind spending some money on quality kit now and not regretting it later (always a new scope on the horizon) 

thanks in advance

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Heya and congrats with your new telescope and obviously a good start using it.

I will be careful  to advice you on equipment to buy, but to be a little patient.

Have you had successful views of planets and lunar with the 10mm barlowed?



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You should get the BST starguider 8mm very good views on the planets with and without the 2x barlow but its about the max you can go with the 130p at 4mm with the barlow. I have the 5mm too which is great too.

Made it better with a sturdier mount Heq5.  

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I have the same scope and I get some nice results with the 10mm and 2x barlow as long as the seeing is good.

im also on the lookout for a new eyepiece and lots of people have suggested the BST 8mm starguider.

I also get some good results with using different coloured filters.

but im giving into peer pressure and looking at getting the skywatcher 8inch dob. (better than spending the money on beer I suppose) :smiley:

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Our very own little 130P section . lol. ;)

I have a 12mm BST Starguider, along with the normal stock EP's (as you can see in my Sig, below), but will also be getting the 8 mm in the next week or so. Strangely I have hardly used my Barlow's, not sure why!! .

Was Gobsmacked myself seeing Jupiter and 4 moons the first time, and only saw Saturn on Tuesday, for the first time. As you say , WOW!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Baron, I agree with what others have said, but note that stuff like 3x and 5x Barlow is for astrophotography and are no good for visual as too powerful.  The 2x standard is all you will ever need.  The recommendations above for BST Explorers/StarGuiders are spot on - very good eyepieces.

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