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Starguider 8-24mm zoom .

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This is generic and probably comes under a few different brands. Due to the harshness of fast Newtonians,they just don't like it. This is a not a reflection on this most useful ep. I used it with great effect in my f8 frac. Hoping for similar results on my f8 Newt.

The ep is sturdily made and the action to zoom is smooth and just marked with graduations . It doesn't upset the mount on Alignment. Once you have secured the ep in place it's a breeze to zoom.

All views provided clear and in focus results across the fov. There was little sign of coma or kidney beaning. Neither was there a feeling of entering a tunnel going from low to high .

Even with the full Moon out, I could get mag + 10.5 secondaries on double stars and down to 2.3" separation very cleanly. Very impressed, even managed a grin with the Moon full !

Saturn looked awesome with a x2 Barlow, some lovely ring detail with Cassini and plenty surface detail. This was up over x200. M3 and M13 looked spectacular even with a whitewashed sky.

I bought this ep just as a travel onesie. It is very useful with a faster scope , you get a fairly wide fov, then can zoom as required. Even better with double or multiple stars , as often these can be hair split at x50.

I found the sweet spot at 12mm. For the sub £50 price this is a brilliant bargain for slower scopes, thoroughly recommended. It comes in a lovely travelling plastic pot, just fits in the pocket for those

Clear skies,


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Interesting report. I wonder if the optics are the same as the Skywatcher & Seben 8-24 zooms ?. I bought one of the Seben ones for a few quid to use at a star party and it did perform better than I'd expected. 

The 7-21 zooms are reputedly not as good but I've not tried one of those.

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