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Which eyepiece to complete collection/set


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My daughter wants to buy me an eyepiece that I will keep.My set  consists of Williams optics planetary 6mm, Pentax XF 8.5 and 12mm,Celestron 15mm Luminos and Skywatcher 35mm Aero.She would like to buy a Televue, perhaps a Nagler.

Any advice on which focal length would complete my set would be welcome.The telescopes are Celestron C8 and Skywatcher 120mm ED refractor.



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A Nagler T4 22mm would fit very well within your current set. The 26mm Nagler would be great too but it almost shows as much sky as the 35mm Aero ED so to a large extent would make that eyepiece redundant.

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+1 for the 22T4. Great EP, and my main galaxy hunter (or even DSO hunter) in my C8. DSO session never pass without that EP being in the scope. A 2.2 exit pupil is just ideal for this. The 17T4 is rather close to the 15mm Luminos, and would almost certainly put it out of business (the 17T4 is often regarded as the best T4 Nagler, but I go for a split decision between 22 and 17). The 31T5 "Panzerfaust" is also awesome, use it all the time, but it would certainly put the 35mm area out of a job.

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I think that from the good advice I will go for the 22mm Nagler.

Oh ,by the way myopicus, my Daughter has gone to live on the planet Zogg. Both her and your daughter have totally depleted the Earth's resources :p :p

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'Complete' an eyepiece collection. Now that's an interesting choice of words :evil:.

I would go for either a 20mm T5 Nagler, 21mm Ethos or 22mm T4 Nagler, I've heard only good things about all of them but haven't used them, so my knowledge of them is all second hand I'm afraid.

HTH :)

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I'd also recommend the 22mmT4. Image quality is second to none :)

I'm hoping (if the weather plays ball :rolleyes: ) to do a direct comparison between my 20mm T5 and a 22mm T4 soon. It should be a pretty good test in a few large fast scopes. I wonder if I can pick one???
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I'm hoping (if the weather plays ball :rolleyes: ) to do a direct comparison between my 20mm T5 and a 22mm T4 soon. It should be a pretty good test in a few large fast scopes. I wonder if I can pick one???

I moved from the 22mm T4 to the 20mm T5 mainly because I fancied the volcano top looks of the T5. I'll be interested to see what differences you find between them Steve :smiley:

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When somebody "actually and truly" completes their eyepiece collection/set would they please buy me that "winning" lottery ticket, so that I may put myself out of similar misery/ rejoice. ;-)


Sent from ma fone using Tapatalk

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How can an eyepiece collection ever be complete, you never know what will come out next week. I'm fine tuning at the moment but I could always find space for a 5mm XO, money, well thats another matter.


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My collection consists of several eyepieces that I use frequently.They are stored in an aluminium case.The other good thing about this case is that I can just take it with me if travelling to a dark sky site. I do have several other eyepieces that are kept in the astronomy cabinet.These consist of oddities and some antique.

I do agree that an eyepiece collection does evolve.

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