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Mars rework!


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A reprocess from one of my better images from the 15th of april, something to do while this lousy weather continues, :clouds2:  im pleased with the result  having managed to extract a little more detail without introducing noise! Thanks for looking!


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nice picture, my wife is a photographer and she is talking about trying her hand at astrophotography, something I want to look into myself, but im having too much fun with normal observing at the moment (when its not raining anyway)

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Thanks Michael- Harvey- Ben

Excellent rework Simon...I think this is your best Mars to date.



Cheers Pete appreciated, its certainly my best set of mars data to date, but chances are becoming few & far between with the weather conditions of late!

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Cheers Simon & Pete!

Hi Simon, I thought your original postings were very good, but this is an excellent rework.  Have to agree with Pete, your best Mars to date!



Thanks Angie its always worth going back through good data with fresh eyes!

The detail in your shot is really outstanding! You must have had really good seeing. I'm not surprised that you are pleased with this!

Thanks also Bryan, yes the seeing was good on the 15th the best ive had so far!
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