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This company should stick to making Tools


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It's...it's beautiful. 5000X  plus comes with an Genuine imitation equatorial mount.

Includes 2 (convex) eyepieces   2000X and 5000X  Add a Barlow and go to 10,000 power !!

Sturdy 1.3 kilogram tripod !  

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Would it be all that bad though? I've been thinking about getting a simple scope for the kids, and the ones that come to mind are the sky-watcher 76mm models (Infinity and Heritage).

If you ignore the claims of 99999X magnification, might the Draper perform perfectly adequately for the moon and constellations?

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I know people say these things will be rubbish... yes, by the standards of a good telescope today. But 200 years ago, people making discoveries would have longed for such a brilliant scope :D

I understand what you are saying (I think), but 100 yrs ago, anyone would have killed for a robin reliant. doesn't mean I want one though :D. (sorry reliant owner :( )

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My first scope was a Celestron AstroMaster 114, courtesy of my girlfriend as a Christmas present. As a scope, it was a bit lacking, but it did serve well in two areas. Firstly, it got me back into astronomy for which I will be eternally thankful. Secondly, it was was rather good as a lunar scope so not all was lost.

As a footnote, it also convinced me that my next, and possibly all future scopes would be Dobs.


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It's...it's beautiful. 5000X  plus comes with an Genuine imitation equatorial mount.

Includes 2 (convex) eyepieces   2000X and 5000X  Add a Barlow and go to 10,000 power !!

Sturdy 1.3 kilogram tripod !  

Does this mean, I can see the Lunar lander on

the Moon.Wow wow wow. :eek:.All for £76.


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I understand what you are saying (I think), but 100 yrs ago, anyone would have killed for a robin reliant. doesn't mean I want one though :D. (sorry reliant owner :( )

--- note to mods! I have already liked this post... However, some posts deserve the option to be liked twice! Like a like and maybe a barlowed like, what do you think? ---
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Just found this bargin  as well.They just keep coming on Flea Bay

How MUCH ??? I can get an NEQ6 for that! Thank heavens it's free delivery :eek:

I notice it comes with Draper heavy duty tools. That's a relief :grin:

The Amazon one is being sold by AP Motors Store.  What the .... ???

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Multiple choice question:

The included Draper Heavy Tools are for:

a ) weighing down the tripod to aid stability

b ) taking your revenge on the scope for time wasted trying to see Uranus

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My Dad bought me one of these a number of years ago for some reason...

Although the mount is absolutely rubbish with Hammerite painted "bearings" and a fine adjustment in azimuth about as wobbly as you could get, the mirrors on the scope aren't that bad at all. The scope is also sold in a case by Bresser (with the same mount!).

The plastic eye pieces and barlow which come with it are effectively unusable but put a decent eye piece in the barrel and you get a nice, clear, crisp image. The focuser works and doesn't seem to have any slop. The finder scope it a joke... looking along the tube is the best way to point it.

Seeing Jupiter's cloud bands is no problem as is seeing Saturn's rings. Still, it being a Newtonian with about a 1m focal length and a 3" mirror you're not going to get much better.

I keep on meaning to modify the EQ2 mount I got given a few years ago and fit the correct sized rings so as to put the little scope onto it. It should be a nice little portable 'scope.

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I saw this - but branded differently - advertised in a paper yesterday. Apart from bigging up what you could see - which you never will with this scope - they actually were quite reasonable with their magnification. 170x was listed. It was listed with 3 Huygens eyepieces also.

They reckoned the RRP was £250 though!!! :shocked::eek:


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I saw this - but branded differently - advertised in a paper yesterday. Apart from bigging up what you could see - which you never will with this scope - they actually were quite reasonable with their magnification. 170x was listed. It was listed with 3 Huygens eyepieces also.

They reckoned the RRP was £250 though!!! :shocked::eek:

It's definitely not worth more than ~£80.

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was back at 5his customers today, asked him about the scope and was he into astronomy, answer was it was cheap thought I would give it a go, but cant see anything, wil sell you it of you want, explained a few of the basics to him, to the limit of my also basic knowledge, and told him no I don't want to buy it thanks

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