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Low mag Ep help

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But here the idea is to get a wide true FOV and keep the exit pupil under control. Not a job for a Plossl of Ortho.

but the OP asks

Also is it really necessary to go for UWA?

and states

What I mean by necessary in UWA is that even though I'd like that immersion experience I don't want it spoilt by excessive astigmatism.

In both cases a plossl or ortho may be the answer surely?

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As a beginner into most things Astro, I don't feel I could post a review on the eyepiece, at least nothing as technical as what I've been reading in others, but I'll certainly give it a try when the seeing is better and I've got to grips with the more technical terms. Thanks again.


As a beginner my untrained eyes into technical distortions of an Ep would probably be missed as I'm not used to anything but standard stock Ep's, and the superior quality of the likes of a Pentax or Televue which I've yet to sample wouldn't have spoilt my observations on a lesser quality e'p. Unless the abberations are truly severe not to miss then I'm sure I'll be fine. My scope can probably whittle out the major downfalls of a moderate ep as it's borderline fast/slow. Let's hope so anyway.

Clear sky's guys and thanks again.


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There are definitely some objects that benefit from the UWA experience. The most obvious one that springs to mind is the Double Cluster. Rather larger than anticipated, but the following 2 pictures are one of the reasons why I personally prefer the 82° view to the 50°.


If you can't read the print, the top is the rather lovely 25mm TV plossl, the bottom is the rather splendid 24mm MV 82°.

I hope you enjoy the EP as much as I do.  :smiley:

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have you ordered anything yet

Not just yet, had to have gearbox replaced in car and now the clutch is going so funds a bit tight.

I could do with a right-angle upright image finderscope along with a new E'p. Are the 6x30's any good? because the 9x50's are alot more expensive.

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Not just yet, had to have gearbox replaced in car and now the clutch is going so funds a bit tight.

I could do with a right-angle upright image finderscope along with a new E'p. Are the 6x30's any good? because the 9x50's are alot more expensive.

to be honest ant a 9 x 50 is a lot better you will find fainter things esyer, the reason i asked i was going to suggest you coming to my house last night with your scope, you could of tried a few of my eps and give you a idea of what you want

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