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Picking up 'scope tomorrow - excited!

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So, having decided to wait until the autumn to buy a scope and to learn my way around the skies with my bins I am picking up my scope tomorrow!

Its all your guys fault - putting me on to astrobuysell and all.  Some cracking deals to be had.

My setup will be a Skywatcher Explorer 150P - got the OTA for £75 and then an AZ4 mount (£60) and having read all the good things about them have a Maxvision 16mm on the way as well to go with the standard 10mm & 25mm that comes with the 150P.

Of course it will no undoubtedly be cloudy for weeks now but I am still as excited as a 5 year old on Christmas Eve!

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Once your excitement has waned, and you develop aperture fever  for your next 8 or 10" scope, you should at least get your money  back, as what you have, seems very good,  price wise. Any oculars you purchase will also migrate to any new telescope, so no problems there either.  At least it gets you started. Remember too that the nights are getting shorter and  not so dark, but if you can get to a proper dark place, your 6" telescope could fair better than my 8" at  my light polluted site?  Enjoy your new telescope.

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Well the transaction went very smoothly - big shout out to Simon for sorting me out the OTA and for kindly picking up the AZ4-1 that he spotted on ABS/UK for me, to chap.

I have finally got it all set up but unfortunately it is sat in front of me in my lounge at the moment a) because it isn't dark yet and B) because even if it was dark its cloudy!

Hoping to get it outside though and at least bag the moon and maybe say Jupiter - itching to give it a whirl.  It really does look smashing - very very happy so far :)

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.........Front of house, pointing down the street, or  from bedroom window, but you do need something on the horizon, Church, Pylon. something of that order. Sight it with the telescope, lock down the telescope then adjust the finder to the same target, failing that the Pole Star,  Polaris doesn't move,  so aim to that to get your focuser  alignment sorted.

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Its all your guys fault - putting me on to astrobuysell and all.....

So you got your revenge by putting me on to it too  :grin:

You certainly got yourself a cracking bargain there. Probably a good idea to hide your wallet for a while now before the inevitable 'eyepiece fever' bites, which it will. I share your frustration though because I've got a shiny new eyepiece sitting here & I'm itching to try it out. Might try dancing around the garden in my pants while chanting mystical words in the vain hope it gives us both a break in the clouds later. 

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Well the transaction went very smoothly - big shout out to Simon for sorting me out the OTA and for kindly picking up the AZ4-1 that he spotted on ABS/UK for me, to chap.

I have finally got it all set up but unfortunately it is sat in front of me in my lounge at the moment a) because it isn't dark yet and B) because even if it was dark its cloudy!

Hoping to get it outside though and at least bag the moon and maybe say Jupiter - itching to give it a whirl. It really does look smashing - very very happy so far :)

Hi and congrats on your purchase.

When you said 'ABS/UK', where exactly is that?


Sent from my iPhone using My Thumbs

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www.astrobuysell.com/uk - second hand astro site.  Some great bargains to be had!

@steve-g - I have already bought a couple of EP's!

The scope is outside cooling as we speak.  Unfortunately a house a but down from ours is having the mother of all bonfires and there is smoke everywhere.

I will not however, be defeated and will get first light with it tonight!!

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Ha, Astrobuysell is such a temptation. The longer we go without a clear sky, the more frustrated I get, and the more I feel the urge to buy more eqiupment for whenever we do get a clear sky...

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Ha, Astrobuysell is such a temptation. The longer we go without a clear sky, the more frustrated I get, and the more I feel the urge to buy more eqiupment for whenever we do get a clear sky...

so true... Great source of astro stuff for pros and newbies alike
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