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To Edge or not to Edge?

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Sometime in the next year or so, once I finish saving up enough money, I'm looking at purchasing a Celestron 8" SCT on the AVX mount.  I'm a mostly visual observer, but I'd like the flexibility to do some imaging in the future, so I'm pretty sure this is the best step for me (For imaging, I'd be doing widefield with a camera, or planetary through the SCT).

My question is:  Is the Edge HD worth it?  I've heard a lot of accolades about how much crisper the image is at the edge of the field, but is it 400 USD better?  If it really is worth it, I think I can justify waiting a little longer, but I just want to get some other people's input.  



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I love mine but don't think its worth the extra honestly... Also on top of the extra you're looking at £300 if you want a reducer :-( . For planetary you're only using the middle of the field anyway. So why did I get one ? Just didn't want to pay for a 15 year old design when a new one (the HD) was out ... And probably get more for it 2H towards my next upgrade :-)

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For visual only you won't get any benefit from using an Edge. You'd be better off getting the standard model and spending the extra on some good eyepieces.

Alternatively, if you are serious about planets, a little bit more cash would get you a C9.25 ;)

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For visual only you won't get any benefit from using an Edge. You'd be better off getting the standard model and spending the extra on some good eyepieces.

Alternatively, if you are serious about planets, a little bit more cash would get you a C9.25 ;)

Believe me, I've considered the 9.25!  For me, it is a little bit too big, and I'd like to keep the payload down as to not overtax the mount.  If I got a 9.25, I'd want to get a CGEM or something similar, and that combo pushes me out of my price range.  Plus, I'm going from 4.5" to 8" of aperture; I have to leave something for the future :tongue: !

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If planets are the big thing for you then I'm not sure you would gain much with the Edge. If you were doing lower power views too, such as a glorious full lunar disc, letting your eye pick out the smallest details, I would get the Edge. I was very impressed by my Edge 8 on the Moon at lower powers, the view had more than a hint of refractor feel to it! A review by Damien Peach here in case you haven't seen it:


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Thanks for the review Luke!  Damien makes some pretty good points there.

I think I'm starting to lean towards the edge version.  I found a set of flickr that shows comparisons between the two:


Once I've saved up enough for the standard version, I'll just have to see if I can wait that extra time to save for the edge!


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Personally I like things sharp from edge to edge which is one of the reasons I buy Televues to observe with. However unless you are using a very large chip when imaging I would not think coma would cause too many problems.

I once possed a question with regard to a field flattener for my APO and the replies basically told me not to bother for a smallish CCD like the Atik 314L, this to me means that only central field is used and of course abberation there are very minor if any.

So for me being mainly an eyepiece man, yes the extra spend is worth it.


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I posess a 9.25 and for planets and imaging of such it's great as you only need the FL at the centre. For visual it's better than a MAK 150 I used to own but it's not as crisp as my AA 102 EDT. If the seeing will take it I set up the EDT with my 8mm Baader Hyperion and get just as good planetary views as the SCT. So if you really want the FL of a SCT go for the normal version. If you want crisp viewing potential think more outside the box. Here is Mars through the 9.25:


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