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Storing an SCT - muppet question - ok on it's end ?

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Hi All.  Any issue would you think if I stood my SCT on "it's end " using the suppiled large dustcap.  Makes it a little easier when storing in the wardrobe.  

Just querying if any consequences with damaging the corrector plate.

Thanks again in advance.   John

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Personally I don't think you'll damage anything storing it that way but if there's any dust around it would tend to settle on the inside face of the corrector. I store mine horizontally but mainly because I can (and it's convenient for picking up in that orientation) rather than great worries.


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One thing you have to watch for is the lubricant that is used to faciltate the movement of the primary leeching out and dripping down onto the corrector plate.

It's not hugely common but I have heard of it happening on occasions. On balance, I'd say horizontal would be the safest but you probably would be ok with it stored vertically, just make sure to check it now and again.

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My C-nine-two-five has been stored vertically on its corrector plate ten years, now, with no issues, so far.

Ditto my Meade in a hot country, but the point about lubricant does make sense. It just hasn't affected me.


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