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chromatic aberration help

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Hi guys the last couple of nights when I have been observing Jupiter I see colours round the edge of the planet. Now I assume this is caused by chromatic aberration

However if someone could explain to me why this happens is it a fault with my eyepieces and what can I do to help prevent it from happening that would be great.

In case you want to know my setup

Revelation 8 

4,10,25,40mm orbiner plssol eyepieces 

Thanks guys

Astro man 

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Hi steve

Thanks for getting back so quickly (record timing I think !)

I am glad its not a fault in my eyepieces as I spent a lot of time and money building up my set

thanks again

Astro man

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Hi Astro Man, you shouldn't get CA in a reflector, as Steve says, probably the atmosphere.  I have noticed that the 'seeing' has been poor for quite a few days now, it's just one of those things.

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