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Ascension Barlow

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Hi, all. Another tap into the well of knowledge, please:

I'm thinking about buying a used 2" Ascension 2x Barlow, priced at £35, which I would use with my WideScan 30mm EP.

Can't find any review of the Barlow, as such, and wondered if anyone could, or would, comment on the quality of the kit and/or price of the deal?

Grateful for any input.

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Hi Gordon, sorry, it's me again!  Widefield eyepieces and 2" ED Barlows do not sit well together.  I tried it with the 32mm SW PanaView and the SW ED Barlow and the thing just didn't work.  Then I thought afterwards, why would you want to Barlow a widefield eyepiece anyway?  I sold the SW ED Barlow eventually as I considered the combination counter-productive.  Commenting on the one you have found in particular, it looks good and is a reasonable second hand price, I presume it comes with the 1.25" adaptor?

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