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nagler v,s delos v,s pentax


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im after a new ep around 10mm, just phoned around and i can get all as in stock.

my options and your thoughts

9mm nagler, 10mm delos or 10mm pentax

what would you get and why. tempted with the dolos as the others are great, but never looked through a pentax

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The Pentax XW 10 is rated as one of the best of that series (which as a whole has an excellent reputation). I have the Delos 8, and the XW10 and XW7. I use these mainly for planetary observation and select one based on conditions and object (Mars takes better to the XW7 and Delos 8 as a rule). All three are excellent EPs, very comfortable to use with their 20mm eye relief and 70 or 72 deg FOV. Tack sharp, high transmission, and neutral tone. The Nagler 9 has much shorter eye relief which would rule it out for me (I need to wer glasses). I have never looked through a Nagler 9, but my other Naglers are great as well.

Ultimately, I got the XW10 and XW7 because they were going cheap secondhand. Whether you choose the Delos 10 or XW10 is a toss up I would say, more down to price than performance, they are so evenly matched.

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I'm just about to sell all my Delos including the 10mm but I've promised it to someone else, sorry Mike.

I had a 10mm Delos and 10mm XW and I couldnt pick one as being better than the other. Contrast was very similar between EP's but the XW seemed to have a slightly darker background which in some ways I preferred but the views from the Delos matched the rest of their range so I kept the TV.

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I'm no help here as I'm an ethos fan sorry mike

like your sorry calv, you dont no the meaning of the word :grin:

shame i didnt get to try your ethos at dobfest. theres that word again dobfest :smiley:

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I'm no help here as I'm an ethos fan sorry mike

Me too, although I used to have a set of Naglers and I did borrow a 10mm Pentax XW to compare with the 9mm Nagler T6 for a while. Both great eyepieces but the XW just controlled the light scatter around bright objects (ie: planets !) a little better I felt and this helped pick out the fainter moons of Saturn (for example) a little easier. XW had a lot more eye relief than the Nagler (20mm v's 12mm).

Thats started me hunting for Pentax XW performance in an ultrawide format and the trail led to the Ethos, the Delos not having been launched back then.

I've not used a Delos but by all accounts they are very, very similar in performance and "feel" to a Pentax XW.

If you want the ultra wide views the Naglers are still great eyepieces though.

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I can't really help in comparing them, expect to say that the XL is a lovely eyepiece, the older model and predecessor of the XW 10 ( and not that different ). I love both my XW7 so far I got recently, and the XL 10.5 I've used and owned for a while now.

I have never looked through a Delos but doubt you'd go wrong with either choice.  If I were in you situation and you are considering a second hand one, be it a pentax or Delos I woud buy whatever is the best deal in that focal length of 10mm should one turn up. It does seem that XWs can sometimes appear to be a bit cheaper second hand when I have seen them, whereas the Delos rarely < £200, but there are exceptions to every rule :smiley:

I did not mention the nagler as a close choice along with the Delos/pentax because it is a bit of a different beast I feel, in other words would you want the tighter eye relief and wider field or feel you need it, that is a choice only you can make what you feel is best for you.

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I would pick the Nagler simply because I can't get on with Pentax XW they kidney bean all the time with my eyes, and I prefer the wider field of Naglers over the Delos type.

Saying all that I would probably go with a 9mm ES 100deg TBH

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I think that if you know you like the Delos range then why change? The 10mm is no better or worse than the others and they are all amazing EP's. :)

 i told him this on the phone today :BangHead: just hit the BIN button will you!

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 i told him this on the phone today :BangHead: just hit the BIN button will you!

i phoned th and they said no discount this b holiday, so i didnt bother ordering, phoned them back at 4.45 and peter told me no ordering now untill tomorrow :sad: so i will order in the morning, and hope it comes friday as i will have to get it delivered to work, ready for dark skies friday night

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 i told him this on the phone today :BangHead: just hit the BIN button will you!

Buy both :grin:  The problem with that is he'll have two Delos, Deloi, whatever the plural is, and wonder what the view would be like in the XW and vice versa if he bought the XW.   Perhaps your Dobfest can sort that out  so you get a chance to look through both.

Personally I would go for the pentax,

.... oh wait.

The Delos.


says  Homer !!! 

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To throw something entirely different into the fireworks. Are you ever planning to get a paracorr ?. I believe the pentax have field curvature that either adds or takes away from that of the mirror. off top of my head for the longer ones i.e 14mm and up it adds to that of the mirror ( for that reason some complaints about them at times in Dobs in the longer focal lengths), for the shorter ones 10 and below they are curved opposite.

I do not have it in my bookmarks but on the net there are plots available for the pentax designs how this work out so you can know in advance. I heard some reports that a paracorr can make things worse in that regard with some pantax eyepieces in how it affects FC, but I am a bit vague on the exact details. 

If you go Delos less likely complications, the settings are just there to be used an tabulated for the Delos and the paracorr on their site.

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Odd to hear about kidney-beaning in the XW, I never had that problem, at least once I got the eyecup in the right position. The Delos took some getting used to too. EPs are a personal thing of course

It's only me Michael :) nothing wrong with Pentax I just can't get on with them I've tried Riks and Mels a few times and for some reason I just can't use them. I'm just awkward I guess. Most seem to have more trouble with Naglers kidney beaning, but for me they never do.

The only Pentax XW I've got on with was the 30mm, this worked superbly and I thoroughly enjoyed the brief look I got through it.

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I have a Nagler 9mm T2 and an observing buddy has a Delos 10mm and we have compared these two to death in , here goes , his WO 110mm triplet my 127mm Istar f8 doublet , his C8 my C9.25 , my Tak sky90 , his ES 66mm quad , a 10 inch SW dob and a 16 inch Meade LB , so we have tried these two in tests using a good viarity of scopes ,,, over 5 months of varying sky conditions WHEW ! .

So the winner is .......BOTH .

They are so alike its a no-brainer and difficult to pick a winner , the Nagler has a wider FOV , and in the refractors is better Planetary , the Delos is slightly sharper ? on stars in any scope ( newer coatings Technology ? ) , except the 16 inch LB where the Nagler gives better views on all objects , so as I said they are both awesome , top knotch eyepieces and you will be happy with either .

ps. my T2 Nagler is about the same weight as the Delos 9mm , but the newer T4-5's are way smaller and lighter and from what I have seen are as good as the T2 and some say the Nagler T2 9mm is the best eyepiece TV have ever made , I agree ., something to consider .

My 5c.


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I have a Nagler 9mm T2 and an observing buddy has a Delos 10mm and we have compared these two to death in , here goes , his WO 110mm triplet my 127mm Istar f8 doublet , his C8 my C9.25 , my Tak sky90 , his ES 66mm quad , a 10 inch SW dob and a 16 inch Meade LB , so we have tried these two in tests using a good viarity of scopes ,,, over 5 months of varying sky conditions WHEW ! .

So the winner is .......BOTH .

They are so alike its a no-brainer and difficult to pick a winner , the Nagler has a wider FOV , and in the refractors is better Planetary , the Delos is slightly sharper ? on stars in any scope ( newer coatings Technology ? ) , except the 16 inch LB where the Nagler gives better views on all objects , so as I said they are both awesome , top knotch eyepieces and you will be happy with either .

ps. my T2 Nagler is about the same weight as the Delos 9mm , but the newer T4-5's are way smaller and lighter and from what I have seen are as good as the T2 and some say the Nagler T2 9mm is the best eyepiece TV have ever made , I agree ., something to consider .

My 5c.


thank you brian, i ordered the 10mm delos yesterday, should be hear today :smiley:

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