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Hello From N.Wiltshire


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Just a quick hello from moi.

Used to stargaze a lot when I was younger and have only recently looked into taking up this hobby again. As a smoker (yes, get in line to spit on me!), I am forever standing outside and just gazing at the night sky. With that in mind, I thought it time to upgrade my standard eyes to that of a Telescope so I can again start viewing the skies in much more detail!

It's surprising how much more choice there is now on optics so I'm currently doing my homework and looking for a scope which will suit my needs. Something I wanted to do when I was younger was astro photography yet back then, the choices were very limited and the prices insanely high! This is an area I'll be mainly concentrating on.

I do have some questions regarding this though I'll post those on the relevant forum.

Anyhow, enough babble.. Fingers crossed, I'll be up and running by next weekend (and hoping the skies are clear).

Looking forward to becoming a frequent visitor to this vibrant community.


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Hi Dave and welcome to SGL - Imaging eh? Are you looking at planetary or DSO's? They require quite different kit. There's loads of imagers knocking about the forum, so I'm sure that any questions you have will get answered soon - We LOVE spending other peoples money :D

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hello Dave and welcome to the best place on the net when it comes to help, advice and inspiration for astronomy!

Where in Wiltshire are you - I'm in Marlborough.

Good luck and no doubt the clouds will roll in (or not roll away, more like) when you make that purchase.


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Spent 10 years in Wilts, does it ever stop raining enough to see the sky now? :grin: :grin: :grin:

How close are you to Swindon, there is a club there that may be useful.

Nope, it's still raining here today, just like yesterday and the day before. :grin:

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Hi Dave and welcome to SGL - Imaging eh? Are you looking at planetary or DSO's? They require quite different kit. There's loads of imagers knocking about the forum, so I'm sure that any questions you have will get answered soon - We LOVE spending other peoples money :D

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

I'll be looking at planetary to begin with & will no doubt, move on to DSO's in the future. I've posted in another part about what I want to do (better edit it the title to save on confusion!). Cost wise though, I'm being a skin flint and just looking at the cheapest methods until I'm comfortable with what I'm doing  :grin:

As to the rain - yep, always! Though when we get a clear night.. Boy is it clear  :cool:

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Thanks for all the kind words and I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of shivering away whilst looking at the night sky for hours on end!  :cool:

As for the Scope, I opted for the Nexstar 130 SLT - which just arrived and is currently sat staring back at me in it's box! I shall also refrain from doing the "norm" of tossing the instructions to one side and getting the hammer out.  :p

All reviews point at it being a good beginner/intermediate Scope and allows me that bit of a balance of being able to view planets and DSO's.  Luckily it also came with a 30 day money back guarantee so if I find it's not suitable to my requirements, I can always send it back and replace it with another model.

Here's hoping for clear skies tonight..

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