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Hello from Sheffield


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Just thought I would drop in and say 'Hi'

I am very new to astronomy but have always meant to get round to learning a bit more.

Now I have a little boy (soon to turn 2) I want to gain some knowledge so when he is a little older I can introduce him to the heavens properly.  he already has an obsession with the moon so hopefully he will take an interest in things.  Plus of course it gives me an excuse to by stuff!

Binoculars are on order - plumped for a pair of Braun 10x50 WP's.  Can't find anything about them on the internet except for a few German reviews that seem to rate them.  If they are no good I'll swap them out for something else.

Other interests are photography, amateur radio (am an M6) and Bonsai.

I am sure I will have plenty of questions as I go along and look forward to getting to know folk better.

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Many thanks for the warm welcome - it is always nice to find a friendly forum.

I have my first question - my binoculars arrive today.  Is it perfectly normal (indeed a prerequisite) that the weather should be overcast and raining on the day of delivery of any optical instrument being purchased with the purpose of viewing the heavens?

Ah well, plenty of reading to be done in the meantime...

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Hi, Danny, and a warm welcome to SGL! if you haven't done already, I can recommend you download the free planetarium 'Stellarium' which is widely used by many on here to not only help find objects in the night sky, but also plan for a viewing session. . Downloadable here: http://stellarium.org/

Hope that helps,


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