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Any pointers for improving stability?

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Sometime in the next two years, once I've saved enough money, I'm looking at spending a good 1500-2000 USD to upgrade my gear, but in the mean time, I'm trying to make the most of what I have.  

I have a 4.5 inch reflector on an entirely manual EQ-1 mount.  I've been pretty happy with it; I've been able to find most of the more obvious objects (5 of the planets, probably 25-30 messier objects, several comets, and the moon  :tongue:).  However, lately, I'm finding the stability of the mount in question when I get to the magnifications needed for planetary viewing.  I know my setup isn't suited for planetary viewing in the first place, but I have to work with what I have!

Anyways, my question is:  Is there anything I can do to improve the stability of the mount as far as reducing the time it takes for vibrations to settle, smoothing out slow-motion controls, and reducing the effect wind might have?



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I used to hang a heavy weight from the central part of the mount, but I think that the central accessory tray will get in the way on an eq1.

I've heard of others filling legs with sand to add a bit of weight, I think that might be an option with the EQ1.



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Apart from making sure that all attachment points are firmly tightened, particularly the tripod top, adding some weight to the eyepiece tray is about all you can do to improve the stability of the EQ1 mount. An upgrade to a secondhand EQ3 would be a good way forward if possible.   :smiley:   

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Add weight. Sand is a 'dead' weight (as long as it's not dangling off of the tripod, as that could cause more wobble in a breeze). Sandbags leant against the legs could work well.

You could get a load of lead fishing weights and slide them into the legs? That would be neat, but expensive tho.

As rich said, a wind break would be cheap and cut out wind vibration.  

Perhaps you could get something akin to a small gravel-filled door draught excluder and velcro it across the OTA?

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I used to hang a heavy weight from the central part of the mount, but I think that the central accessory tray will get in the way on an eq1.

I've heard of others filling legs with sand to add a bit of weight, I think that might be an option with the EQ1.



The sand idea is intriguing...  I may have to try that and see how it works! Would staking down the tripod via rope have a similar effect as hanging a weight?

I suppose that erecting one of those portable beach type wind breaks might help a little.

1500 to 2000 is a heck of an upgrade target.



It is 1500 to 2000 US dollars, but yeah, it is a bit out there.  I'm looking at jumping on the GOTO bandwagon, and want to get a mount that will let me do AP in the future.

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^cool, sounds like a plan. :)

Anything you can do to stiffen the structure will help.

Sand, weight, stake down., braces between the legs.

I saw one chap had used a system of small chains between each leg linked to a central ring that he then hung a gym weight from.

Cat's cradle / spider web type affair.

For next to no money you could also make some wooden clamps for the upper part of the sliding center sections, as the legs will always want to pivot around the bottom clamps and cause wobble.

A problem inherant to the design of a central sliding section only attached at one lower point.

A firm clamp top and bottom will help.

(its on my to do list for the EQ3)

or if you always use the tripod in exactly the same position and height, then drilling through the outer and center sections near the top of the center section and then fitting a bolt through all 3 sections will have a similar although only 1 position effect when tightened, (you could of course drill a series of holes in the outer sections for different heights but this will weaken the structure).



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