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I made an *ars of mars*


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Couple of days ago I pointed my scope at a bright dot. I assumed Mars wasnt in a visible part of the sky. What I observed was a bright blob! 1st thougt was Saturns rings were edge on to my line of sight. But I checked a star chart and it turned out to be Mars. Saturn was much lower and appears much later. I was looking at the red planet after all.

Now that I know what Im looking at, I will describe what I see: Big perfectly round blob. Hint of a patch of blackness. (im color blind)

Jupiter: Big round blob, 2 clearly defined red lines. (I usually see 3 in good skies). Also 5 bright dots surrounding it, 3 in parallel with the jet streams seen in telescope. Plus 1 far below, and another just out of scope but still in parallel with Jupiters stripes (too far to be the other Galilean Moon).

Im a bit drunk tonight but can anyone here describe what you see when you point your telescope at Mars? Ideally at 200X which is what I used. Use what you like but as close to 200X as possible would be better.

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depends on the weather. with a 12" scope it was a flickering flame a few months ago. few weeks ago I looked again and i could barely see darker areas and some white patches which apparently were clouds. I happened upon a picture of mars which was taken at the same moment i was visually watching it , and got to confirm these features. Atleast here in finland mars is so low and summer so near that the seeing is horrible. 

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Also depends on where you observe from. I was at a dark sky site on Friday night and due to the lack of city heat haze, I had the sharpest view of Mars I had ever had. Wonderful! Jupiter also did not disappoint.

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