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QHY5 and Maxim


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Hi everybody,

Has anyone try the QHY5 with Maxim Dl?

I have problems when is trying to calibrate.

Whatever calibration time I try it is only moving for about 2 seconds

and ofcourse that is not enough.

I am using the cameras ST4 port and an HEQ5 Pro mount.

Any ideas?

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I also struggle with this, my guider is recognised but as per George; during callibration it does not move the mount enough (2 sec delay) and hence fails. I would prefer to use maxim Dl for guiding so would be good to watch this thread. My current solution is to use PHD which works just Ace.

By the way I'm using maxim 4.61 and the drivers Bern sent me with the guider. If you want them Daz then please PM me (they're not that big 300K)


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The qhy5 works fine with maxim dl, under guide tab you have expose,calibrate,track (guide star X Y box)

make sure the X and Y boxes have 0.0 inside them, everytime you expose it changes them so its necessary to change them back each and everytime. just do an exposure for what ever time you think necessary then let maxim dl choose its own star to

calibrate,once that is done just hit track button. i still found PHD Guiding a lot better main reason its got live preview.

my qhy5 camera under maximdl is listed as CMOS-GUIDER.

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Now that I have installed the Maxim package, I can see the CMOS camera OK.

PHD recognised it, but I got a very strange banded signal with no stars - but that might just needed playing with some settings somewhere!!

I've got Maxim 4.56 - just downloading the update now - and July 31st release of the QHY driver - is that the same version as yours Rob?

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I am sing Maxim 4.61 and all the plugins and drivers for the Qhy5 are betwwen 31 july - end of August.

The camera just doesn't open the ST4 ports enough to calibrate in Maxim.

Even when you change the calibration time to maximum (60sec) the camera opens the st4 port only for two seconds.

With PHD is working ok but it is a nightmare to find a guide star because the camera is not sensitive enough (when you find works ok, but PHD is taking about 45% of the CPU computing power in my laptop - and that is a new dual core with 2G memory).

It looks that something is wrong, or with the camera driver or with the Maxim plugin.

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Hi Pluto,

I am using Windows XP and the drivers and plugin that came with the QHY5 (the one from modern astronomy).

Are you using some other drivers? I have read a lot of problems with the drivers for this camera (different version).

A couple of companies in france and Italy they charge you for the drivers that they work!!!!!!!!!


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Hi George i bought my camera from Bernard at modern astronomy as well, the original drivers he sent with the camera

didn't work so we tried some earlier version of the drivers which worked fine. which ones have you got. Drivers that you

run the setup.exe or the generic version you have to install yourself ?

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Probably I have the generic one - I haven't run any .exe file to install them. When I have plug in the camera I told the windows where the drivers were.

The plug in for the Maxim again they are not .exe file. Just 3 DLL files that I have copy to the maxim directory.

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Tonight I have try again the QHY5 but instead using the onboard ST4 I have use the main cameras ST4 (Atik 16 IC-S).

The guiding was one of the best I ever had up to now with errors less than 1/4 of a pixel.

With PHD the best I had was about 1 pixel.


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