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Vixen 4mm SLV versus Nagler 3 - 6mm Zoom - Solar Quickie


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I have just perfomed a quick comparison with the Vixen 4mm SLV & the 3-6mm Nagler zoom set at 4mm

Scopes used :

Lunt 60mm with a B600 filter single stack with rotating tuner.

Televue Pronto 70mm using the Herschel wedge with polarising filter screwed into the eyepiece.

I performed 4 x 3 minute sessions with each eyepiece in each scope, approximately 30 minutes. Not a definitive amount of time but enough to get a feel.

Magnification in the Lunt = 125x

Magnification in the Pronto = 120x

Both eyepieces 50 degree FOV

Due to the magnification the prominences are a tad blurred with both eyepieces ( Lunt Ha only) and I didn't expect anything different based on my previous experiences with solar observations. For this reason I will only concentrate on sunspots and the surface detail observed.

Viewing sunspots and surface granulation in white light both eyepieces were excellent, showing roughly the same level of detail & clarity, any differences betwixt the 2 were not noticeable. The result was much the same in the Lunt when tuned so only an orange disc and sunspots were visible (no granulation etc....)

The story is quite different in favour of the SLV when tuning with Ha, in both eyepieces the level of detail was very impressive with lots of swirls covering the surface. However, the contrast was quite a bit better with the SLV ( this level of magnification also removes the peppered characteristics of granulation)

I know some people feel a 4mm eyepiece is a bit pointless on the sun but I do not feel this is the case and much detail is there to be seen.

Short and sweet I know but I will perform a more comprehensive review on both the Moon and the Sun when I get the opportunity :laugh:


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I expect many folks were out observing last night Shaun  :smiley:

I parted with my Nagler 3-6 zoom before FLO sent me the 6mm SLV otherwise I would have liked to compare those two as well.

Sounds like the 4mm SLV is continuing the trend of excellent performance in this new Vixen range  :smiley:

I'm hoping to give the ones I've got a further work out tonight so I'd be interested in comparing notes with you on how the 4mm does at night  :smiley:

Thanks for posting the review.

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