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Another night with Mars


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Good seeing last night. At the beginning it's not great but slowly became better. In the previous sessions I have difficulty seeing the small polar cap, but last night it showed up as a very distinctive feature. Getting myself sit-down comfortably also helped I guess. With a 6mm eyepiece on Skywatcher 200P on EQ5, I clearly saw the gap between Meridiani and Margaritifer Sinus, and the slender Sinus Sabaeus. These bits seem to be darker than the Niliacus Lacus and Mare Acidalium, which appeared together as a blob. The north polar cap appeared as a small and whitist dot, slightly to the leading edge of that "blob". I also noticed a green filter seems to make the polar cap stand out a bit more.

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Nice report  :smiley:

Once Mars rose higher above the roof tops the detail was quite good last night.

I was seeing similar details to the ones you describe with my ED120 refractor. It's nice to have some names put to them  :smiley:

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Aye, a lovely report, D.Bear. Seeing here has been pretty good this week and Mars did give up a nice but of detail. I find it fascinating looking upon another world for an hour or so each giving night and I agree that getting comfortable does help :grin: .

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