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Advice needed on purchasing a Barlow please.


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I have been taking images using my celestron 4se a cheap x2 Barlow that came with a eyepiece kit and my dslr. 

The images of the moon seems quite nice but still need some work on them, But planets are being rather tricky to get right. So I was thinking a x3 or x5 Barlow would be needed. I have a few in mind that range from about 129 euro to 179euro and seem to be good glass for imaging. Some advice on peoples thoughts on there Barlows in this x3 to x5 range would be considered as I have only just started looking.

But more importantly the advice I really need is would a x3 be enough or would I need a x5 ? I cant really afford to have to buy both. So if anyone has advice on them would be a great help.

I will be using a DSLR doing video imaging to start with but I do have plans to buy a laptop and a zwo mc webcam later on.

Heres a couple of images of recent results.


These were taking as a video using the nikon d5100 and a x2 barlow lens. then stacked using registax 6.

Thank you.

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that was with the eyepiece projection thing, what ever i did to adjust it never seemed to come to focus, was thinking maybe some problem with the 9mm eyepiece being used with the dslr. 

A televue x5 Barlow was on my shortlist, but a bit unsure would x5 be way to much.

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You will need a fairly good barlow to maintain the sharpness of the images that you have so far, the moon has come out nice - I prefer that shading/colouring rather then the bright quite light images that appear.

I would say that as you have a 2x you are looking at a jump to 5x, especially for Jupiter.

One point is that bigger means dimmer so a longer exposure that may lose sharpness as the image is more prone to a little drift.

The TAL barlow used to be a recommended choice, unfortunately unavailable.

Checked APM and they make a 2.7 barlow that looks interesting, however not really a step up for you.

TS do a 5x at 64€

Might actually suggest an email to someone like Ian King and ask although a quick look and they do not list a barlow in their products.

From what I can see the TS is the main offering at 5x.

There is a 5x from Bressier at Astroshop.de, 165€.

However that cost is close to a 5x TV Powermate from TS, 176€.

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Thanks, Yer I understand longer means dimmer and actually I still need a lot dimmer even with the x2 Jupiter is far to bright and see very little detail until processed, maybe due to using dslr in video mode at 30fps? 

The ts x5 I had heard is not very good on imaging use so I have not considered that one any more.

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Has anyone got any advice using x3 and x5 Barlows or powermates?

Bit concerned would x5 be too much or x3 be too little and dont really want to make the mistake and have to buy both.


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