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Which eyepiece advice?


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Hello.I have been told that I am am being bought an eyepiece for my birthday.My e/p collection consists of 6mm, 8.5mm,12mm & 35mm.The gap that I perceive is an e/p of between 16mm & 19mm.I have looked at the following, Vixen LVW 17MM,Williams Optics UWAN 16mm & Televue 17.3mm Delos. Any views or first hand experience would be welcom.I would like a wide field of view.


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Thanks for your advice. The Delos has a click stop device .I wounder if this is like the click stop on the Televue Radian's ?

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Thanks for your advice. The Delos has a click stop device .I wounder if this is like the click stop on the Televue Radian's ?

No, it's an improvement on that. It's a sort of twist lock / unlock idea and works well.

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I have a Celestron C100 ed refractor.When the super nova was visible a month or so ago,I used a BST  15mm and it show the nove well.I just donot have an eyepiece in that gap (6mm,8.5mm 12mm and 35mm).17mm to 19mm would fill that gap.

Thanks John for the delos spec.It does sound a good system indeed.

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The Delos 17.3mm must be a great eyepiece,I love my Delos-but I don't use them in my refractor.For me they are too long and a bit heavy-this is just a personal preference.The 18mm ES 82 is an equal to the 16mm T5 Nagler in many areas,but is heavier.These two provide great contrasty,sharp views and have given me awesome sights.The 18mm BCO is a fantastic eyepiece with a narrowish FOV,with contrast coming close to my 17mm Ethos-equaling it on some objects.I can't believe how good the price is on this EP for the quality you get.I would not hesitate to buy the 18mm KK Fuji ortho or the Tak ortho either.I love my little 16mm Nagler,but would not pay full price for it.The 100 ED sounds like a very nice telescope BTW

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The Maxvison 16 and 24mm are cracking EPs that would leave you budget to blow on quite few other things, like a solar filter - Summer is just around the corner....

Being 1.25", they're not that heavy which makes them less of a balancing faff too. I'd only be wary if you are a glasses wearer, which would rule out the ES82 18mm too. I'm not, but after the MV 16mm arrived, I flogged my ES82 18mm, which I never really got on with as my eyeballs aren't on stalks.


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My friend tells me the 17.3mm Delos is the best of the lot though how he knows is beyond me he has two of them. I have 5 Delos and all are very good at what they do, I have also owned the full set of the Meade eyepiece that Russell refers to and whilst they are very good the Televue is a small step up in all areas and has much better eye-relief if we are talking about the 16mm.

My choice would be the 17.3mm Delos.


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