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Another hopeful tap into the SGL pool of knowledge:

Is there such a thing as a finderscope or pointer system which means I don't have to get my eye behind it and along the scope tube?

I have trouble with my neck and trying to point using the supplied finderscope or my red dot finder - especially if the target is overhead or even high in the sky - gives me, well, a pain in the neck! The vertebrae creak and crack ominously ...

Ideally the solution would be something that projects the view ahead onto a small screen which I can view while I'm reasonably upright or, perhaps, a finderscope with a 90-degree eyepiece.

Any pointers (no pun), advice or thoughts?

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Hi Gordon.   One solution is a green laser pointer attached to your scope - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/celestron-green-laser-finderscope.html  there may be cheaper options out there.

These can be a bit controversial because they have been used to attempt to distract planes etc, and would also be frowned on at most star parties.

Regards, Ed.

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Thanks, Mace. That looks as if it might fit the bill. It isn't inexpensive but if saves my neck, it'll be worth it.

Will give FLO a call since it's marked as unavailable at present.

Must admit that I thought you were taking the mickey when I saw your user photo of a pair of specs! Shame on me!

Thanks again.

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I had the same problem with the stock finder-scope; ended up replacing it with a Baader Skysurfer mk3 Red Dot Finder which has a big aperture and zero magnification - definitely an improvement, and very intuitive, but still challenging when viewing straight up. The Skywatcher 90° RACI (right angle correct image)  is definitely on my wish list.  Some posters have commented that it has a quite narrow field of view. That's better than putting your back out I reckon. 

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I've seen a Celestron 5 SE that was equipped with an inexpensive green pen laser pointer in a small (.22cal?) dovetailed scope mount that was used as a starpointer.  At night the beam is visible and can also be used as a pointer for an audience attending your sky show.

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Thanks everyone for coming back to me on this.

I still think that Mace/Myopicus has given me the best lead and I will follow that up.

The green laser idea is a bit on the edge in more ways than one ... One must try to maintain standards - even if it sometimes hurts a bit!

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Further to the above, and again from Mace (gawd bless ya sir), the Skywatcher RACI might be the bees' knees.

Will have to check with the in-house banker on that one, though ...

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