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Best ep for planetary viewing.

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What's the difference between apparent and true field of view?

The Apparent Field of View (AFoV) is the figure quoted in the specs of the eyepiece, ie: 50, 60, 70, 80 degrees and so on. The True Field of View (TFoV) is the width of sky, in degrees, that a particular eyepiece will show you when used with a particular scope.

A rough calculation of the true field of view can be obtained by dividing the AFoV of an eyepiece by the magnification that it gives in the scope eg: a 32mm eyepiece with a 52 degree AFoV gives a magnification of 31.25 when used in a scope with a focal length of 1000mm. Divide 52 degrees by 31.25 and you get 1.6 which is the TFoV in degrees that the eyepiece / scope combination gives. Thats about 3x the diameter of the full moon.

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Guys thank you very much for all your replies, certainly has given me something to think about.

My other option would be to get a TeleVue 2x PowerMate, that and my 13mm Ethos would give me a 6.5mm ep reducing the AFOV down to 50 degrees (not a problem when using for planetary viewing) and should give me a magnification of 185x, which I will probably use more than those rarer clear nights when 200x mag plus will be possible while still keeping the eye relief.

Hmmmm, going to go for a think over this one.

Thanks once again.

That would definitely be another very good option!  :grin: Hopefully, you'd be getting twice the use out of the Ethos too.

This year has been very peculiar with regards to the magic 200x for me. When seeing has been bad and I haven't been able to use the 6mm EP, no focal length seems to have worked on the planets. On good nights, it's been straight back to the 6mm! Very strange.

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