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Sub length limits

Alien 13

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As you might guess its cloudy again and i was thinking about sub lengths, up to now i have not lost many subs because of poor tracking but have had many discarded for other reasons listed below.

Satellites in the FOV.




Security lights.


Pet hairs moving about on the sensor.

I can manage subs of about 2 mins max but tend to stick to the 30 sec to 90 second range so the question is how can people get 10 mins or so without something creeping into the sub?


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Don't discard subs with satellites, meteors or aircraft. Take enough subs, use a good (I stress good) sigma reject routine, and they will all vanish. I find the routine in AstroArt 5 to be remarkably efficient for this.

Worst case scenario; an aircraft trail won't go away. Make one stack with the trail sub and another without it. Stretch them both in just the same way in Photoshop and paste the trail image on top of the no trail image. Run the eraser along the trail on the top layer to remove it. Flatten and continue streching the image.

More generally, always think about how to use most of the data you have. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.


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As allways you peeps have come up trumps again on average i have been deleting around a quarter of my subs because of non tracking related issues its good to know there is another way i did figure that a longer FL would have less chance of a sattelite etc hitting the FOV but im stuck with wide field at the moment 330mm for the scope and less for the camera lenses.


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Oldpink: Do you use the ASI120MC you have as a guiding cam? Wondering if it will add too much weight added to the 9x50 finder if its possible to attach. Also keeping with the topic, wondering what subs will be like.

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