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I am nearly a returning astronomer!

Let me explain. My love of astronomy started when I was 12 (I'm now 52) when my uncle sold me a very rickety 90 mm Newtonian. I remember my first look at Saturn & I was completely hooked. The telescope fell to pieces and not being able to afford anything better or different my hobby waned. Six years later taking me to the grand old age of 18 I purchased a Dynamax 8 Schmidt cassegrain on the famous gold tripod (if any of you cam remember that far back). I liked the scope but research now tells me it was not very good but i have fond memories of M57 & M11 which were 2 of my favorite targets through the Dynamax. I had the scope for 3 years then through the follies of youth I got into debt and had to sell the telescope to pay my dues.

I have not picked the hobby back up until this year as life and finances with a wife & children got in the way.

I expect to take delivery of an Celestron 11" Edge HD on a DX CGem mount in the next few weeks. This has been ordered. I've also ordered a Skyris Camera & T-Adapters for my Sony Alpha camera as I have a love of planetary photography but was never very successful with the earlier Dynamax 8 as the mounting upon reflection was simply awful!

I can't wait to start observing again!

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Great to have you onboard, and welcome to SGL. Like you I had a keen interest as a youngster, I have fond memories of attending meetings of the Astronomy section of my local Natural History Society as a teenager, and have recently re-joined at the age of 59!. Luckily no-one asked me for back-payment of subs!

All the best


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i've just upset my wife.............she has just seen the bill for the new scope & accessories.......guess she will be really mad in a few months when I put up a skypod observatory in the garden.........lol.......the joys of a wife! :eek:

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Welcome to SGL

May you enjoy the crack here as well as the info.

You certainly don't do anything by half (Celestron 11" Edge HD on a DX CGem mount) !!!

Wow, that's some piece of kit.

Good luck with that and many happy hours ruminating in the future obsy.

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