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Have grazed the wonderful knowledge base here for days and thought it was time to raise my head above the parapet!

New to everything and all I have to offer is a huge appetite to learn ...

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Hi and welcome to SGL - Putting your head above the parapet here is totally safe, sadly I can not say the same about your wallet, that will start emptying pretty quickly! :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Thanks for the warmth - unlike the temperature around here!

I have what I'm sure - thanks to reading all that you folks have written - is a decent enough starter scope, a Skywatcher 150P Skyliner. It was supplied with the usual 10mm and 25mm EPs. I have added an inexpensive Barlow.

Best viewing has been with the 25mm (moon and Jupiter, especially). The 10 mm and/or Barlow sessions were ordinary, to say the least.

I've picked up that these poorer results are probably due to seeing conditions but, nevertheless, I'm on the trail of upgrading my EPs.

I have just taken delivery of a Televue 8-24mm zoom and cursing the pea soup skies above but looking forward to field testing ...

Also have in the pipeline a Widescan III 30mm 2'', which is in the ballpark recommended by a dignitary in my local astronomy club.

So, in short, everything to look forward to.

I have unloaded my ego and taken on board a shed load of humility, as advised by those wiser than me.

I will not (thanks Astrobaby) be even thinking about astrophotography!

I have the ubiquitous Turn Left At Orion and, recommended on this forum, Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders. So I guess it's 'per ardua ad astra'?!

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