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Best eyepieces - hypothetical - money no object


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With the luck you sound as if you have been having I think buy some clear skies would be a good start.

I would go for the Leica zoom and barlow, some Nikon and Televue Ethos Ultra wides covering the full range and a few Ziess ZO goodies, I don't think I would over look the odd Delos or Pentax XW either, maybe a stack handfull or two.


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Thats Joves approach I think ! :smiley:

I do remember his sig being veeeery long. That said with your collection and all the eyepieces you have on loan from FLO you'll give him a run for his money.

Lemme guess what you have right now, pentax, TV ethos, nagler, radian, BGO, Vixen SLV, the new large skywatcher 70 degree hand grenades, some orthos like astro hutech, some William optics .... A lot of names on the market. Have I missed out any ?? Probably :grin:

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Thats Joves approach I think !  :smiley:


I do remember his sig being veeeery long. That said with your collection and all the eyepieces you have on loan from FLO you'll give him a run for his money.

Lemme guess what you have right now, pentax, TV ethos, nagler, radian, BGO, Vixen SLV, the new large skywatcher 70 degree hand grenades, some orthos like astro hutech, some William optics .... A lot of names on the market. Have I missed out any ?? Probably :grin:

:grin: :grin: 

For planetary performance don't forget about Monocentrics, if you can cope with the small eye lens and next to no eye relief!

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I did own a 5mm TMB Supermonocentric for a while and it was superb at what it did. On scopes like mine, with undriven alt-az mounts, the 30 degree apparent field is darn hard work though  :rolleyes2: 


I do remember his sig being veeeery long. That said with your collection and all the eyepieces you have on loan from FLO you'll give him a run for his money.

Lemme guess what you have right now, pentax, TV ethos, nagler, radian, BGO, Vixen SLV, the new large skywatcher 70 degree hand grenades, some orthos like astro hutech, some William optics .... A lot of names on the market. Have I missed out any ?? Probably :grin:

It's a fair cop !  :smiley:

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If money was no object, I'd move from Scotland to somewhere you can actually get clear skies then I'd buy whatever the guys on the forum suggested - brand new, unused.  Then you would have the pleasure of being the first person to gaze through them - magic!

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get a 31 nagler and the complete set of ethos

This is the inevitable, yet very blissful death spiral of one's personal finances I like to call, "Ethonasia."  If--key word, IF!!--you can afford it, the 31T5 plus the Ethos "Troika of Death"--21E / 13E / 8E and a Powermate would be about all you'd ever need for darn near any scope with a 2"-focuser.

That is, if you don't need the extra eye relief because you wear glasses.  Then I'd say the "money-is-no-object" strategy would be to get a complete set of Delos eyepieces ("Deloi?") and throw in the 31T5 Terminagler for good measure.

Clear Skies,


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I bought an eyepiece set that I am really happy with and it meets the needs of any scope for me http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/188794-eyepiece-groups/.  so if money were object I'd buy another scope! in fact although money is not of no object, this is what I generally do currently. I have recently got hold of a 6" f5 and a 130mm f5 to provide nice wide views and compact nature for travel to go alongside my 6" f11, 12" f4 and 16" f4 scopes.

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Thinking more about the 10" f/10, a money-no-object set would be:

31 Nagler T5 - for near Max TFOV (82x)

17 Ethos - (approx 150x)

13 Ethos - (approx 200x)

10 Ethos - (approx 250x)

For the other scope, would add a 3.5mm and 6mm Delos, or a 3.5mm and 5mm XW.

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Thanks Alan.

Playing eeny meeny miney with them on a night of observing seemed like a more fun prospect than it has turned out to be, truth be told!

I've found that in the past when my collection was larger than it is now. I still have a box full of eyepieces that First Light Optics have loaned me for review but some nights you just want to stick with a few favorites and concentrate on the universe rather than messing with the equipment :smiley:

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I've found that in the past when my collection was larger than it is now. I still have a box full of eyepieces that First Light Optics have loaned me for review but some nights you just want to stick with a few favorites and concentrate on the universe rather than messing with the equipment :smiley:

I agree with that entirely, John. I never have more than 2 or 3 out with me on any given night. They're a little more justified now that I have a few different scopes with differing focal lengths, as it's rarely the same 3 I have out on any given night, but I do realise I have potentially gone just a little overboard :)

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You have one the finest collections of Televues on the site and I know from also having a few it is difficult. I tend to set out side with my scope pre-planned so I have a very good idea of 3 eyepieces that I will use. Unless a super-nova suddenly springs up most night I find that is enough, however I sometimes end up with 6 outside, so my method has flaws.

Your Radian collection alone must have been hard to come by, some of them I have never seen for sale new let alone secondhand, though there must be more in the States. I would love to do a side by side with one of the 18mm's and my 18mm Kasai ortho. May or may not be the same as the BGO but I am sure from reading Johns work there is not going to be much in it.


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Thanks, it's gotten there eventually. Strangely, the ones which would probably be considered the best of my bunch (21e, 17e, 31 Nagler, etc.) have probably seen the least use so far. I've only just purchased a counter-balance system for the LX90 though, so I'm sure they will now see much more use. Now that Mars is coming into opposition, it has re-sparked my enthusiasm for that scope.

I only just completed the Radian set this week. Have been waiting a little while for a 12mm to come up. I foresee that one will get a lot of use and should be about perfect in my PST. The rest weren't that hard to come by, aside from the 5mm. I got lucky on that one. I had a wanted ad on Astromart, which was getting absolutely zero response. At the same time, I finally convinced a guy in the states who was selling a 14mm to consider shipping it to Sydney. Once he agreed, he says "Oh, I also have a mint 5mm if you want to buy that as well" to which I immediately said YES. I've probably bought about half from local sellers in Oz and half from the USA. The 3mm is the only one I purchased new. I'm happy to have these, as they make a nice 1.25" option to my collection alongside the heftier Ethoi. I have you to thank actually, as you're the one who turned my attention to the Radians.


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Sadly I bought all of my Radians new that I still have, 3mm, 4mm, and 5mm. I also had the 6mm and 10mm but have never seen the rest. I still think they are great eyepieces and perfect for planetary work without the Delos price tag.

I tend to go with you on the balance system I have one on mine and it has bigger motors than the LX90, they are dam dear for what they are though.

On a completely different subject, Do they still sell those Pie Floaters in Sydney? Fine grub indeed and puts a new twist on the floaters we see on here from time to time.


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