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Televue 8 24 mm Click Stop Zoom EP's

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Hi All.  This is not my forte in giving opinions. More of a description of what I've encountered with these new, to me, zoom lens I purchased 2nd hand, last week. I'll try my best not to meander.   

Lovely clear nite last nite, so why not.  Have been binoviewing for a little while now and before xmas, invested in a pair of brand new Celestron 8 -24 mm zoom EP's.   In use, was most impressed.  Jupiter was a good as I have ever seen and lunar was just a 3D experience.

Kit used last nite was my Meade 127 frac,  Baader / Celestron  60" BV's, said TV  zoom EP's and my 2in Revelation 2x barlow. May have been pushing my luck using the barlow. I have added a pair of winged eyepiece cups to the zooms.  Thought they may help.

Definate step up from the Celeston units. Belts galore to be seen.  GRS transit as clear as a bell and Ganymead transit followed around 9 pm.

Like the click stop option.  The Celestrons did not have this feature.  No issues with "matching eyes", so to speak.    

Not sure how much the binoviewers were adding to the magnification but seemed to find setting the zooms to 12mm  gave me the best views. 8mm setting was getting somewhat mushy. Calculate  magnification was somewhere around the 220x mark.  Please correct me if you think different.  ( FL of scope  952 - 12mm and 2x barlow - u do the math ??!!  go on, you know you want to -  lol )

Overall a cracker of a nites viewing and a nice addition to my kit.  Did mull over  2x Baader zooms but  cost was a concern and was rather worried that I had read a few reviews on the web, that if used with binoviewers, some people had found trouble getting a comfortable  viewing postion due the size of the barrels on the Baaders.  My eyes may be close set and or my nose is not an issue ???   Tried the zoom at the 8mm setting in direct comparison with a 8mm Baader hyperion I have.  Just about preferred the Hyperion but my decision is not clear cut.     

Lucky to have a day off today.  Went for a look at Mr Solar this morning using the same equipment plus Baader filters of course.  View fantastic again.  Near the limb, near a particular sunspot group, I could seem to see  " white markings"  that I had never ever seen before.  Was only drinking a coffee. No alchohol consumed.  

Added a couple of photos of the zooms and my BV's.  Hope this is of interest 

post-2880-0-97804200-1395670086_thumb.jp      post-2880-0-97551800-1395670117_thumb.jp

Regards   John

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