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Considering 6mm EP on 127 Mak


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As a newbie to astronomy I've had a Nexstar 127 for a few months and recently picked up a second hand 8mm TeleVue Radian which I've mainly been pointing at Jupiter. Gives awesome views but am seriously wondering if I can't get a little bit closer. As such I'm considering a 6mm addition to my EP set, probably another radian if I can get one second hand.

I've read the forum and understand that 8mm is generally considered the highest power EP for this scope but wanted to find out if anyone would recommend, or has any experience of, using anything higher. I don't want to waste my money if I will get very little return but I've got this itch for a little bit more.

Any feedback would be appreciated. 

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Hello, I've got a 127mak and extensively researched this topic! I also have an 8mm and to be honest that's the best you're going to get. It's all to do with magnification limits (there is a formula which I've forgotten) but the 6mm takes it over the edge. That said, I have not tried a 6mm but have never bothered due to this over magnification! Hope that helps!

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It's not so much the scope that can't take it, because it can no problems at all. But more that the atmosphere won't allow that sort of magnication most nights. So the eyepiece becomes something of a waste.

Officially the 6mm, which gives 250x in the 127, still squeezes into the max magnification based on 50x per inch.

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The problem with going to high magnifications is that the period of time you can get the best out of them is often very small. To give you an example, I was using around 200x on Mars last night with my Vixen 80M (80mm aperture, 910mm focal length), but only got the best of it for about 2 or 3 minutes out of the whole hour and a half I was observing Mars for.

While 6mm isn't quite that extreme on your scope, you may end up using it less than you expect. It is worth remembering that some objects take higher magnification well (Saturn and the Moon, for example), whereas Jupiter doesn't take high magnification as well.

HTH :)

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Thanks for the feedback. I guess I kind of thought that was the case but good to get unanimous opinions that my money could be better spent  :smiley:

Problem is this whole hobby is that as soon as you see something you want more  :smiley:

Think I'll refocus my efforts in expanding my EP collection in the low power end. Maybe a 32mm for a bit of deep space.

Thanks all.

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