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Mars 18/03 from Bembridge


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My second attempt at Mars and considerable improvement over the earlier image.   Seeing was pretty torrid, capturing this around 24deg as I was a little impatient to get something before the clouds closed in for the night.


Green and Red looked pretty good on this run, but blue was very soft/mushy.   QHY5L-IIM @ 4500mm on SW Exp 200P.

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That's a cracking image, Jake and thank you for posting it up. I've been out this week observing Mars a little and it's a nice feeling to have what I think I was eye-balling confirmed by your image. Great stuff and thank you :grin: .

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Thanks Steve, Simon and Bryan - definitely not easy but the end result were much better than I was expecting from the laptop screen during capture - thank goodness for AS!2 and Registax, that made some sense from the grainy, jumpy blob the camera recorded!

Thanks also Qualia - I tried to visually observe Mars from the IW Star Party, using a 6" Refractor and my newly refurbished Vixen/Bresser Newt - the conditions were much better than last night, but I really struggled to resolve detail from the wobbling disk in the EP, though definitely something that would improve with practice and I would like to try my hand at some sketching to help concentrate and improve my observing skills.   I'm no artist, but think this will be a useful skill.

Under the same skies and conditions I had really nice views of Saturn at only 15deg, but was able to easily resolve the Cassini division in both scopes at 180x.   Despite the low elevation Saturn was a much easier target to observe, perhaps due to the more familiar structure and lower brightness?    Excluding the ring system, I guess Saturn is approx. 25% bigger at the moment, which certainly helps.

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Thanks Lee and Michael - great to get such positive support and constructive feedback here.   Without that I'd definitely still be struggling to produce anything half decent.    The only problem is once you think you get something nailed, someone raises the bar again by several notches.     Inspirational feedback - keeping up could get very expensive and time consuming ;)     'Good Results for 8" Aperture' is exactly the sort of epitaph I would like on my headstone ;)

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Thanks Richard - much appreciated.

I've never looked at a Mars atlas before, but actually the there are quite a lot of recognisable features and areas within this image.   Quite surprising given the tiny scale of the original image.

Quite a useful high level surface map at www.astro-tom.com


Syrtis Major, Hellas and the polar ice caps are the most obvious, though many other lesser features can be found with this.

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Nice image, may benefit from 'curves' darken to increase contrast a bit.

Thanks Peter, I shall give this another process tonight with fresh eyes and also adjust to eliminate the limb defect.

I haven't tried Mars yet but would be happy with a result like that.

and thanks PeterCPC - your SCT should give an excellent result on Mars and should be that little bit easier next month for opposition on the 8th April, when it should reach 34deg elevation and 15" diameter.    Only hope the weather and seeing are kind for us in UK.

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That is very nice Jake, good detail coming through! :smiley:

I had a go last night too, but the cloud ruined things again!


Thanks Angie - hope to get some better conditions around opposition, but not holding my breath. It's good to get a proper start now my barlow issues are resolved and this turned out much better than I imagined from the previews.

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

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A superb Mars image indeed Jake. Very well done indeed sir a lovely, lovely image. You are fairly turning them out!! Will have to try and get a bash myself....not tonight though strong wind and cloud here. Rain on the way :-(

Best regards,


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I can say the same - some excellent Jupiter images being produced in Ulster. Looks pretty grim down here through the weekend - just a case of siezing the gaps and hoping for fair conditions. Hope you get clearer skies in Co Antrim.

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

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