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Sky Green but Keen


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Just to say hello to the very helpful people on here. Hello!

Whilst I haven't posted before I've used the vast experience to search for information on my new telescope choice. I'd already decided I wanted as much aperture as I could afford and whilst I haven’t got huge amounts of space to store the scope I didn’t need to transport it (well not at the moment). So I went for a Dobsonian and for my first I decided to go all out and went 12”! 

I just took possession (from a really nice guy) my secondhand “Skywatcher Skyliner 300P FlexTube Dobsonian + Moonlite Focuser” I have a loan BST 12mm from a Friend and a 25mm BST ordered plus a “Baader Classic Q 2.25x Barlow” and a Moon Filter

Moon Filter Grey 25% transmission ND96(0.6.

So I think I’m sorted, got the telescope home last night popped in to the South Facing ‘London’ garden and although the moon was washing almost everything I still spend several hours with a huge grin as I saw Jupiter and its 2 moons either side WOW, colour, not just 2 bands but another 3 faint also. Mars not great but I was still able to see not just an nice Orangey/Red disk but a little detail of different shades. Then onto the Moon, I have a 10x50  pair of Astronomy Bins and the Moon was a nice view but I was blown away by the

detail I could see at the darker edges WOW! Can’t wait to tick off all the features over the coming months.


As you can tell I’m more than pleased with my purchase and can’t wait to see, well everything. Galaxies I haven’t seen yet but can only imagine whats in-store for me.



Any advice for a humble newbie is appreciated and I’d love to meet-up with people in my SW19 area to learn and share from.






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Welcome to SGL, I like your intro post title. Glad you are enjoying the scope. You'll be able to get some excellent views of the Moon, planets and star clusters from your location, I recommend finding the Pleiades next. Galaxies are faint objects and you'll struggle to see much structure with heavy light pollution interfering. This map might help you find a local(ish) dark sky site:


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Thank you for the replies.

Yes, London isn't the most Sky friendly but I'm sure I can track down some more obvious galaxies and star clusters as you suggest. I used to live in your neck of the woods near Ludlow and it has nice dark skies (or it did from memory). I can get to some Dark(ish) skys in about 30mins drive but I'll exhaust my back garden first :smiley:

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Hi John welcome to the lounge,

enjoy your new scope, I live near to Liverpool and Chester,

the LP can be bad here too, a big Dob is a great start for you.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Hello and welcome from me too - enjoy your new scope   :smiley:

If Moon features interest you, then why not try out the Lunar 100  - there's a link to it on the observing lunar pages here.  100 things to spot on the Moon   :grin:

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Hello again and thank you for your comments.

Yes, I’m lead to believe that the tradition is that you get a new Telescope and you can’t use it for 2 weeks? Well I’ve had 2 night now and yes I’d love to be able to see some stars but Jupiter and Moon have me in awe.

Hello and welcome from me too - enjoy your new scope   :smiley:

If Moon features interest you, then why not try out the Lunar 100  - there's a link to it on the observing lunar pages here.  100 things to spot on the Moon   :grin:

Thank you Sub Dwarf, I will certainly be looking at the Lunar 100 page as the moon really fascinates me, you have quite a few Messiers under your young belt another area I'm itching to see but suspect a little challenging in my skies?

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