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Revelation/GSO barlow question


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Hi guys,

I did some research on this forum and on CloudyNights and you guys convinced me on the Revelation/GSO 2.5x barlow. It seems to be a great value for the price.

However, with my current eyepieces set, going 2.5x make no sense to me. So I found the Revelation/GSO 2x barlow, that you can unscrew the lense and screw it right onto the eyepiece for 1.5x mag. It is made of 2 fully multi-coated elements but is achromatic instead of apo.

My question is, did you guys ever experienced that barlow? I really like the modular idea, as it would triple my EP collection and make tons of senses magnification wise. I just don't know about the image qquality it will provide.

In addition of my stock SW EPs 10 and 25 mm, I have an X-Cel LX 7mm and a new ES 68-24mm. With that barlow, it would give me that range: 25, 24, 17, 16, 12.5, 12, 10, 7, 5, 4.6, 3.5.

Tons of sense on paper... 

Thanks !

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I recently had and sold on one of the Revelation 1.25" 2x barlows. I didn't think much of it to be honest. I compared it to a Skywatcher "Deluxe" 2x barlow and found that the Skywatcher unit was better optically. I think you can still do the same with the end piece of the Skywatcher barlow as well.

I was not really expecting the above result to be honest with you as the Revelation 2.5x 3-element barlow was very good but the difference was really quite noticeable.

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If it is the same one that comes in the GSO/Revelation plossl set, then it does the job. I use it a lot, and whilst I have no experience with other barlows, it isn't horrendous quality compared with eyepieces of the same focal length. If you had one lying about or in a set, you wouldn't be unhappy.

However, the above reviewer has tried it against another, so his review is probably more objective in terms of its overall quality if you are spending money on a barlow.

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