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NGC2903 in binocular ?

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mention is made of NGC2903 being bright and maybe worthy of the M list.

Also, it is shown in TUBA but with no indication about size of binocular needed.

So, more in hope than expectation, I went looking for it in my 10x50s last night !

Nothing seen :(

It wasnt the best of skies tho'.

How does it compare with M81 and M82 which I fancy I have seen with considerable averted imagination ( :) ) in a crystal clear night.

What say y'all ? is it a forlorn hope ? or worth another hunt another night ?

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I hd a look for this last night with my bins (10 x 50s) and I reckon that I might just have seen something. It's an easy find with my 200p (astonishingly bright) so with no moon around, unlike last night, and reasonably transparent skies then I expect that it should be within reach of bins. It is well located near to some easily seen stars in binoculars so it should be possible to pin-point its exact location. This makes spotting it much more easy as there is less doubt involved in where it really is.

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after the England-Wales game.

Wot ? We having a Messier challange agin Wales or sumfhink ?


my 200p (astonishingly bright)

Thanks for the report WS.  That's encouraging to know, I might soon be getting an 8"

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Thanks Kevin and Steve,

yes, moon is deffo problematic

and if we dont get a transparent sky soon (high pressure dominant at mo. so not a good prospect)

it might be next winter before we get another chance !

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