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Diet for an eyepiece case.

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Ok in simple terms I have too many longer focal length eyepieces and would like to off-load a few but, yes you guessed I can't make up my mind.

Here is the list with where I most use them.

41mm Panoptic, mainly used on the LX and for this scope is really a keeper, also use it on the APO.

35mm Panoptic, used on just about everything. This may not be the best but old habits are seeming hard to break.

31mm Nagler, Got this as replacement for the 30mm UWA but rarely used, I am not sure why even the former got a lot of scope time on most scopes.

26mm Nagler, Bought this because it was there and rare to see S/H but a nice eyepiece on shorter scopes on all but the moon.

24mm Meade UWA Feel it should go but will have to give it away since Maxvision.

24mm Panoptic Gets a good deal of use with finders and short scopes but I have two of them but an easy sell.

21mm Ethos, Really wanted this but I rarely use it as I keep grabbing the 20mm Nagler for use on all scopes.

20mm Nagler, Feel this should go if I am to use the Ethos but I might have to kill myself.

17mm Ethos, A good workman like eyepiece that sees a lot of scope time.

16mm Nagler A nice light and useful eyepiece that is used in many of the scopes

Ok that is the list, what do you think I should do, be as hard as you want I know I am rather OTT.


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kill the pans,41 and 24 and the meade Alan

I disagree because I believe that both of the Panoptics provide the maximum FOV for their barrel size - a very useful characteristic indeed :).

I'd only get rid of the Meade 24mm Alan, leaving the rest of your eyepieces in the case :).

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Naemeth is correct re the panoptics and it is a good reason to keep them

Get rid of the meade

Also the ethos if you need the cash, otherwise keep all the TV as they are futureproof in your next scopes....

Without the ethos the sizes are nicely spread!

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I agree the UWA should go but it is now basically worthless, and it is a very good eyepiece much less field curve than the 26mm Nagler.

I sort of had in mind drop the 26mm because it will sell and the 20mm as I should try to use the 21mm Ethos more. I don't need the money BTW but feel a bit sick selling a 220 pounds eyepiece (24mm UWA) for about 65 quid and then pay 25 quid to ship it by courier.

Also one of the 24mm Panoptics should go.

I can also see a strong case to move the 9mm and 11mm Naglers, they never see light. It is important to me to have a tight speard at the high magnifcation end but this for me starts at 8mm and shorter for most scopes and maybe 12mm 13mm & 14mm area for the long F/L scopes I have.


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Get rid of the Meade as it lowers the tone :p

Green snobbery , lol.

If you feel you want to move the meade 24 mm on , I'd try it on the various sale. / auction sites. Remember , not everybody out there knows of the maxvisions.

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I can tell you really want to keep them all, bar the meade which could go seeing you already got the pan, unless you are broke buy an extra case, and have a often used case, and a side case, that solves the diet problem.

You just never know. Even I am a keeper type on limited budget, though my missus is not yet worried with the small selection,  but the thought of letting go of anything astronomy has yet to be talked into me :grin:

On a more serious note as well, if you plan to buy any or more scopes in future what you woud keep in that case and works well, has that been considered ?, Not that anything you already have wouldn't work well enough with any scope anyway.

Some will also come in handy when you review other eyepieces for comparisons, your reviews I much enjoy, I wouldn't want to hear your comparison eyepiece in x focal length and FOV fall short because of lack of equipment, how thoughtful of me :D . 

Just looking for excuses I guess or something that you may have to explain to the missus, but this hobby does not have to be rational all the time, where would the fun be in that :evil:

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@Alan maybe a dedicated EP test of wider field view in all you scopes can help you make better informed decisions? Pan 41/35, Nagler 31 and Ethos 21 in a group, Ethos 21 and Nagler 20 second group, then 17 Ethos and 16 Nagler?

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er.....ship them to me then i can use them and tell you which ones i dont like and send you the good ones back :D

If this deal with Daniel falls through Alan just drop me an email, I will take the burden of the task on.

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Re 21E/20N I wouldn't try and like something because it is supposed to be better. For sure, give the 21E a good run in case it has a 'party piece' object to view but if it doesn't suit and you prefer the 20N, then move it on. Same for the Meade 24mm. If it's nice and you use it keep it, if it's nice but you don't use it then ship it off to someone. Does anyone really know why Meade didn't want the EP run that ended up as the MV range? Perhaps they weren't happy with the quality of the coatings or something and that's why they are so cheap ;)

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Re 21E/20N I wouldn't try and like something because it is supposed to be better. For sure, give the 21E a good run in case it has a 'party piece' object to view but if it doesn't suit and you prefer the 20N, then move it on. Same for the Meade 24mm. If it's nice and you use it keep it, if it's nice but you don't use it then ship it off to someone. Does anyone really know why Meade didn't want the EP run that ended up as the MV range? Perhaps they weren't happy with the quality of the coatings or something and that's why they are so cheap ;)

The maxvisions came up during the financial troubles that meade were having before the buyer was found. I assumed it was a financial decision based on the uncertainty at the time. Meade were very close to closing and I guess joc didn't want to risk that much more money going down the pan 

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The maxvisions came up during the financial troubles that meade were having before the buyer was found. I assumed it was a financial decision based on the uncertainty at the time. Meade were very close to closing and I guess joc didn't want to risk that much more money going down the pan 

That's what I heard as well, and it's probably true. Wasn't a serious question, but maybe on some auction site there's someone wanting a good EP in the 24mm range who doesn't know? Personally, I would rather give a good thing away to a friend or relative who will appreciate it rather than sell it at a massive loss. But then I might be a bit odd.

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Hi Alan,tough decisions!I think I remember you talking about a biggish dob possibly in the future-keeping some EP's with that short F ratio in mind may be a good idea.My 17Ethos is used extensively in the VX10,but I'd not part with the 21mmE as it is so great with my OIII on neb,the Rosette was fabulous the other evening,and it is also superb on big bright clusters.Don't rush the decisions that is for sure :smiley:

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I like the PM to Admin line, very good.

If Daniel is correct about the Panoptics going may I say I belieeve that would be a mistake, for anyone who does not like the ultra wide views Panoptic nicely running into Delos works very well in my opinion.

I thank you all for the input. I believe something needs to be done with the 21mm E and the 20mm N though it is tough call, also the 24mm and 26mmm area.

The two long ones ( 35mm and 41mm Panoptics) I really use the most on all scopes, 41mm on the 180 Mak and LX and the 35mm on the rest so they are keepers for sure. Then if we are only talking about the 2.7m plus scopes 31mm N is like a next step, then I guess something in the 20mm area.

On the other hand the other group of scopes ( APO and M/N 190) sort of start with the 35mm Panoptic then jump to that 24-26mm area then 16/17 and so on.

I think the moves could well be one 24mm Panoptic, a 16mm Nagler the 20mm Nagler and the 24mm Meade, as John said it lowers the tone.

I also think in the lower order 11mm Nagler and 9mm are candidates for a new home, I only bought the latter to fill a gap between 8mm and 10mm how un-necessary is that.

However making a site advert for these will be hard as I rally do want to keep them all and I read so many tales of I wish I had never sold that one and have writen a few too.


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I they are listed in order with the most used at the top, them surely the ones at the bottom of the list would be a great place to start the clearance, dependent of course on their opportunity of use. :laugh:

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Looking at the issue that way I feel would leave the bottom 4 as:

26mm Nagler, 21mm Ethos, 31mm Nagler most likely 41mm Panoptic. You have to bear in mind that recent tests have taken a lot of time with short F/Ls and the LX has not been out this year. In fact nothing has been out this month as the clouds don't make for interesting viewing.

The funny thing is when I started I was always using wide FOV eyepieces and looking at wide fields, then I got interesting in comparing eyepieces and it seems as if my subject list and likings have changed a little, now I spend much more time using short F/L eyepieces and maybe the long ones mostly as finders, so to speak. Maybe I have grown into the hobby a little more than say 5 years back.

I can't recall who it was but it was a thread about gaps in the range a few weeks back, it got me thinking that maybe at the long end 41mm 31mm and 21mm is all one would need and judging by many peoples lists of eyepieces there is some mileage in the arguement. Not sure I have the metal to go that far though.


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I have a huge gap between my 17.3mm and my 31mm, mentally I feel I need to plug the gap :shocked: however in reality I do not find this an issue whilst observing and as a result I have not bothered taking it any further. :smiley: I think the Pronto has contributed of late as it plugs the gap due to its differing focal length.

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I normally only use 28, 14, 7, & 5 mm. My 20mm and 10mm XW's don't get a lot of use at all. I am disappointed that I don't really use the 10mm because it is an outstanding EP.

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I have a similar argument running through my head recently but undecided Alan,. It is at the higher powers I like my sandwiches tightly packed so far :)

Now my next eyepiece in the list is  a 14mm Delos. But I had some thoughts to perhaps go for the 17.3mm.  For my 10 inch scope I would than have 10.5mm, 17.3 and 28mm. The Delos 17.3 almost gives the same FOV as the maxvision 20mm according to field stops but of course will have a nicer darker background and smaller exit pupil.

On the other hand I could go  10.5mm, new 14mm Delos, 20mm MV and 28 MV.  It does seem nice to have those extra eyepieces,  but it is better to have fewer quality ones I feel given the choice anyway. Gaps could always be filled later if I feel I needed them.  I am beginning to think bigger gaps, higher quality as a balance for the mid to low power.

I  don't feel I really need those closer gaps, but sometimes it is a nice thing to swap between my 25mm and 28mm, just because it renders things a bit differently and that is nice in some cases due to different eyepieces, but a minor luxury I can do without.

It does seem the 14mm Delos / pentax 14mm  is often mentioned in the 10 inch scope as a popular focal length though. Food for thought for me, but at some point I will want to buy a paracorr - I do not want to cut corners on the coma corrector is the conclusion  I came to for me, though I feel no rush with that purchase for now, but a paracorr I'll get eventually. I'll just wait for a second hand one that will hopefully turn up somewhere down the line after  a couple more eyepiece upgrades.   Perhaps when I have bought that Delos and the 7mm pentax XW, the paracorr will become more tempting and grow in priority.

Once done with the paracorr, I could upgrade the 28mm to something very wide field perhaps as one of the lowest power eyepieces in that 82 degrees or above region If swimming in a wide FOV is something for me I'd like.  So far I find the 68 degrees of the 28mm almost on the border of too much to take in all at once at times and say to myself, do I even really want much more. but anyway time will tell  :smiley:

it is endless isn't it :D. the OIII wanted, H beta wanted at some point.  I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel with some sort of plan though. 

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