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Observing for Years, New to this Site


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Hello everyone...

I've been interested in astronomy since I was a kid.  I got my first "toy" refractor scope when I was 11, with which I enjoyed countless hours of the moon with.  I even stumbled across Saturn with it!

My first real scope was a gift from my parents, a Meade DS-10.  Huge scope for a 13 year old!!!

My time at the eyepiece faded in my late teens when girls became a priority :)

In my mid 20's I got way back into the hobby and have been enjoying it ever since.  These days I use a 130mm f/6 refractor and a 12.5" f/4.5 Newtonian reflector as a nice one-two punch.  

My main interests are open and globular clusters, nebula, planets, wide-field Milky Way panning, and I enjoy Ha solar observing.

I post on Cloudy Nights too, but it's cool to see what seems like a larger global sample of astronomers here.  I look forward to reading and being involved.


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Hi Ron and welcome to the forum. Yes, this ship carries many different people from around the world and we always keep a spare cabin for those across the pond!  :grin: Cloudy Nights has many members with a lot of experience which we certainly know will be of benefit to many here and look forward to future discussions with you on the forum.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.


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