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SkyWatcher 127 advice

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Good morning Simon,

I think there are plenty of reasonably priced options for one of these scopes, since they are very forgiving on eye pieces being what's referred to as a slow scope (F11.8).

It might be helpful to know if you wear glasses when observing, if you do you'll need eye pieces with a little more eye relief, also where about in the world you are, if you're in the US then you might have a different selection of retailers to choose from easily than if you're in the UK or Germany for example.

Assuming UK / Europe here I'd say

The BST Starguiders are probably quite a good choice if that fits you're budget, I've got the 15mm one and it's very nice.


Some good quality Plossl eye pieces might also be suitable for you, although at short focal lengths (number of mm on the lens rating eg 10mm) with this design eye relief is quite short and wouldn't be easy to use with glasses.

example these vixen NPLs (I don't own one but I've seen favourable opinions of them)


I would guess that you've currently got 10mm and 25mm plossl eye pieces that came with the scope? I'm afraid I don't know what Barlow lens comes with the skywatcher Mak.

If so I might suggest starting off with an 18mm focal length eye piece as that's in the middle of what you've already got, it also could potentially be used with a 2x barlow lens to give you a 9mm focal length (about as short as you'd want to go with this scope) and go from there.


ps welcome to SGL :)

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ps there's a really good thread about choosing eye piece focal lengths here http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/43171-eyepieces-the-very-least-you-need/

I did assume that this is the telescope you have (I don’t think there are any other 127mm aperture skywatcher scopes) http://www.firstlightoptics.com/maksutov/skywatcher-skymax-127-synscan-az-goto.html

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simmon,,I have the same telescope but only in the Orion version. best out of the box scope I ever had! Perfect collimation..anyhow I use the Orion epic ed 2's  good eye relief and bang for the buck value..I did however replace the star diagonal with a better one.. 

                                                mike h

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I agree with Tyr, I use a 9mm x-cel for planetary viewing, my 5mm was way too powerful for the scope. I haven't used a barlow, as I think it would make the scope too slow.

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As I understand it your mount is one of these it's called a supatrak mount, unfortunately that's about where my personal familiarity with it ends :|


However it looks like this post / thread may be what you need



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Also, I'm having trouble tracking objects?

I don't have the SW SYNscan, I have the other little controller.

I can align and set to try north including local lat, but it won't track?

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

Hi Simon! thats the small pad controller you have! it wont track mate.. you need the SW hand controller with the Goto!

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