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Heq5 Polarscope light WAY too bright!!

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OK so tonight was the first opportunity for 3 months to try and do a polar alignment with my HEQ5 (its actually an Orion Sirius but I think they are identical?)

I got setup at dusk so I could see what I was doing.

Got Polaris in the right neck of the woods - went to look through the polarscope and nearly got blinded - the red / orange light is so bright - no chance of seeing Polaris through the glare.

I am not using the handset - I am using EQDIR/ASCOM - I guess there is a facility in the handset to adjust the brightness but I cant see the same facility in EQDIR.

I really don't want to use the handset but if I cant adjust the brightness I cant polar align !!!

HELP !!!!!

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Found a neat answer - just posting it in case anyone else is having the same problem.

A very elegant solution is here - http://www.astro-baby.com/articles/polarscope%20dimmer%20for%20HEQ5/HEQ5_polarscope_dimmer.htm

The part is available from RS components - its about £8 - http://uk.rs-online.com/web/

The RS part number is -  790-4423

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Hi, if the mount is identical to the skywatcher HEQ5 there is a program called EQDimmer which may be able to help you.  I know you can download if if you join the eqascom group (https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/EQMOD/info).  I set mine up with the handset and then unplugged it.  On my mount at least the brightness is remembered between sessions, although I don't have a HEQ5.



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Mmm good question - the part number matches the part suggested in the document and the value sounds about right to dim an LED. I am tempted to think that the value in the doc is a typo.

Time will tell - it will either work or it wont!!

PS if anyone else fancies this mod I had to order two of the pots to avoid the very high small order handling fee. Just PM me if you want one (at cost).

Once I have installed it I will post the results here.

EQDimmer didnt work for me - that would have been way too easy!!

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