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Jupiter 25th Feb Repro


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Ive been looking again at my better images from the 25th trying to extract a little more detail, as I thought the originals were a little soft, its always a fine balance between sharpness & noise control, not enough or to much & the games up, but I think this image is a slightly better take on the original!


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I think you have extracted some more detail there Simon.  Also the image is brighter than the original.  Really pops out at you.

I am no expert, but I think you have reached the maximum on extracting the detail without spoiling it. :)  But knowing you, you will prove me wrong. :icon_biggrin:

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Thanks Metalhead-Michael & Richard!

Nice repro Simon!  You have brought out the detail , but personally I prefer the softer process of your original. :smiley:


Thanks Angie I agree sharper is not always better but always worth pushing to the limits occasionally just to reveal that hidden detail, on the balance of things i tend to prefer the softer processing myself but nice to get the imput from others!

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