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Dark Sky Session With faulksy (mike) & Barry Anne


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Me and Mike have been trying to meet up for a while now and cloud or work has always had its say. well on Thursday night  whiles in work me and MIke began chatting on SGL hoping the forecast would hold.After grabbing 3 hrs sleep just coming off the night shifts at work i (10.30am) me an Mike resumed conversation about meeting somewhere in Wales. the forecast was looking 50/50 we agrees to speak again at 3PM and make a call. so at 3PM we made the call both of us had been watching numerous sites saying fog after 9PM and mist ,changing every hour but we decided to risk it meet up and go!I rang my other buddy Barry Anne ;) who is my main observing buddy (normally does AP) if he fancy's a trip out and of course he said yes, cause if he never had such an enthusiastic mate like me he would never get out :D  with the car pack fulled up it was time to hit the road. WOOOOOOO

We hit some traffic on the way down so getting to the meeting point took a little longer, good job too as Mike was late.tut tut :D After Mike finally turned up :p and we shock hands off we went up the side of mountain with some scary drop offs down the side :eek: when we got to like base 1 so to speak Mike said there's a road that goes all the way to the top its a bit bumpy but i think we will be ok, and then explained how last time he smashed his sump and had to walk 7Miles back down the mountain to get a signal to phone someone i said nahhh here will do lol :D !

we was greeted with cold temperatures and clear skies. what a sight very very dark not black but still very very dark for such a small amount of traveling time away from the city this was great.being that high was a a major advantage.  hard standing ground plenty of space and pretty much 360 views. i was a very happy bunny :grin: i had to help barry pick his jaw up from the floor :p We all got stuck in setting up getting the brews on the go Barry said "Dan wheres the milk"..........AHHHH %"*£(!!!!!!!!! so lucky mike brought lots and let us share :D

I was there for one thing more galaxies !!!!!! i love the faint little blighters and i think this was Mike first proper run with his Nexus system.By the time i ad set up and collimated orion was blazing away so it was the first object of choice with the orion ultrablock filter on its was awesome we also bagged the flame Nebula with the dark filaments clear visible.M1 Was breath taking ive never seen filaments on the outer edges before and i was sooo easy to see! after a cooldown time i recollimated and it was time to bag some faint fuzzys.































m81&2 (SN still visable)

it clouded over about 12:45 so we decided to call it a night and i was getting tiered, but by the time we had packed up it was clear again :mad:  i was struggling with dew as well my power tank had died. the scopes were frosted over the thermometer was reading -2 the gas canister was struggling to when making a brew.It was nice to compare Mikes OO scope against the mass produced stuff and TBH theres not much init. but saying that OO make darn nice scopes!!!! Top night with a new friend cant wait for next time !





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Me and Mike have been trying to meet up for a while now and cloud or work has always had its say. well on Thursday night  whiles in work me and MIke began chatting on SGL hoping the forecast would hold.After grabbing 3 hrs sleep just coming off the night shifts at work i (10.30am) me an Mike resumed conversation about meeting somewhere in Wales. the forecast was looking 50/50 we agrees to speak again at 3PM and make a call. so at 3PM we made the call both of us had been watching numerous sites saying fog after 9PM and mist ,changing every hour but we decided to risk it meet up and go!I rang my other buddy Barry Anne ;) who is my main observing buddy (normally does AP) if he fancy's a trip out and of course he said yes, cause if he never had such an enthusiastic mate like me he would never get out :D  with the car pack fulled up it was time to hit the road. WOOOOOOO

We hit some traffic on the way down so getting to the meeting point took a little longer, good job too as Mike was late.tut tut :D After Mike finally turned up :p and we shock hands off we went up the side of mountain with some scary drop offs down the side :eek: when we got to like base 1 so to speak Mike said there's a road that goes all the way to the top its a bit bumpy but i think we will be ok, and then explained how last time he smashed his sump and had to walk 7Miles back down the mountain to get a signal to phone someone i said nahhh here will do lol :D !

we was greeted with cold temperatures and clear skies. what a sight very very dark not black but still very very dark for such a small amount of traveling time away from the city this was great.being that high was a a major advantage.  hard standing ground plenty of space and pretty much 360 views. i was a very happy bunny :grin: i had to help barry pick his jaw up from the floor :p We all got stuck in setting up getting the brews on the go Barry said "Dan wheres the milk"..........AHHHH %"*£(!!!!!!!!! so lucky mike brought lots and let us share :D

I was there for one thing more galaxies !!!!!! i love the faint little blighters and i think this was Mike first proper run with his Nexus system.By the time i ad set up and collimated orion was blazing away so it was the first object of choice with the orion ultrablock filter on its was awesome we also bagged the flame Nebula with the dark filaments clear visible.M1 Was breath taking ive never seen filaments on the outer edges before and i was sooo easy to see! after a cooldown time i recollimated and it was time to bag some faint fuzzys.































m81&2 (SN still visable)

it clouded over about 12:45 so we decided to call it a night and i was getting tiered, but by the time we had packed up it was clear again :mad:  i was struggling with dew as well my power tank had died. the scopes were frosted over the thermometer was reading -2 the gas canister was struggling to when making a brew.It was nice to compare Mikes OO scope against the mass produced stuff and TBH theres not much init. but saying that OO make darn nice scopes!!!! Top night with a new friend cant wait for next time !

very nice report dan, saves me doing it. had a great night, and it was great to meet dan and barry. although i didnt bag as many fuzzys as dan i did see a lot more than i ever have on 1 nights viewing , i was looking for quality rather than quantity lol , also i had no problems with dew , due to my great heaters . cheers dan, see you soon 

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very nice report dan, saves me doing it. had a great night, and it was great to meet dan and barry. although i didnt bag as many fuzzys as dan i did see a lot more than i ever have on 1 nights viewing , i was looking for quality rather than quantity lol , also i had no problems with dew , due to my great heaters . cheers dan, see you soon 

 Mike did you forget that you said you was making me some heaters :D

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i didnt forget mate, can make you some up if you want that realy isnt a problem :smiley:

yeah after seeing how well yours ran last night i think its time to invest. also any ideas why my primary dewed up??

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yeah after seeing how well yours ran last night i think its time to invest. also any ideas why my primary dewed up??

yeah after seeing how well yours ran last night i think its time to invest. also any ideas why my primary dewed up??

i doubt you primary is thicker than mine, so it shouldnt retain the heat longer, only thing i can think of is your car was warmer than mine, but if we put a fan on it that will cure it, it was very humid though dan, strange why mine didnt do the same, because i never put my fan on. must of been all your heavy breathing down the tube :grin:

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i doubt you primary is thicker than mine, so it shouldnt retain the heat longer, only thing i can think of is your car was warmer than mine, but if we put a fan on it that will cure it, it was very humid though dan, strange why mine didnt do the same, because i never put my fan on. must of been all your heavy breathing down the tube :grin:

over excited by all the stars :D always good to get out and it was great company too, shame i had to drag Barry along lol. next trip Lynn Peninsula i'll Pm you details later ;)

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over excited by all the stars :D always good to get out and it was great company too, shame i had to drag Barry along lol. next trip Lynn Peninsula i'll Pm you details later ;)

ok mate tidy, barry was all right, shame hes gay though :grin: but each to there own

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Nice one Dan and Mike...(and gay Barry!)  :grin:

I could do with some ridiculously dark skies sometime, if ever it looks like theres gonna be a couple clear nights in a row with no moon and I'm off work (which in reality all those together gives about a 3% chance!) I'd be up for a trip to mid Wales if you ever feel like some company?

Another reason why I packed up early last night was because I forgot to put batteries in the secondary heater....didnt realise until this morning!  :BangHead:

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Nice one Dan and Mike...(and gay Barry!)  :grin:

I could do with some ridiculously dark skies sometime, if ever it looks like theres gonna be a couple clear nights in a row with no moon and I'm off work (which in reality all those together gives about a 3% chance!) I'd be up for a trip to mid Wales if you ever feel like some company?

Another reason why I packed up early last night was because I forgot to put batteries in the secondary heater....didnt realise until this morning!  :BangHead:

no problem mike, your welcome, im sure dan will say the same. you have a pm

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Guys , sounds like you had a great time, mid wales is the closest proper dark sky to me too . Only it's always cloudy when I've headed that way !

Great read, loved it .

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Brilliant, sounds like a great session in a great location. It's got to be special if the drive is long. Really enjoy observing with others as much as I observe on my own.

Now Daniel, get some sleep!! :)

sometimes its worth taking the risk! yeah i need it back in work tomorrow :(

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Shame i couldn't come sounds like you had a great night i might of got M51 which i have been after for ages hope to be better soon i will let you know might even get the Leo trio in.

 we could see the arms in M51 and the dark tail structure going into the Companion galaxy. got all 3 leo's in one EP :p not to rub it in. feel better soon

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Shame i couldn't come sounds like you had a great night i might of got M51 which i have been after for ages hope to be better soon i will let you know might even get the Leo trio in.

it is a shame paul, m51 was easy i could see it through my finder lol. get well mate skys are always there

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