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Best widefield for a skyliner 200p dob.....


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The 28mm Maxvision I own is 530 grams, it is okay for weight on the SW Dob mount with the tension handles, but as John says, I find even the Maxvision at lower angles the scope needs to be quite tight already. It can hold it, but movement is not so smooth in altitude with that setup at low angles. At a 1000 grams it would rather begin to push it I would think.  There again, since it is low mag stuff very precise nudging is not needed to keep things in view so you can have it quite tight I find without having problems. 

It will be okay to try out I think, at least at higher angles, just be careful and keep a close watch to not to let the scope drop down suddenly.

Have fun with the eyepiece. :smiley:

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Trouble with just tightening the handles on the dob is nudging , it would do temporary , but you'll be wanting a counterbalance at some stage.

Magnetic knife rack is quite a popular choice for a cheap option.

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I found a couple of metal blocks from work. But anything that will stick really . There's a lot on the DIY forum regarding balancing . If you are planning on keeping the dob for the long haul , there's other methods , that look nice . Another simple method is to stick some thing that protects the tube from scratches , and get a chunky magnet that you can slide up and down the tube.

As I say , the DIY section has a few methods , or indeed start a thread on that section and let the dob boys come to you with ideas.

Can't wait to here about the nirvana matey, should be a dream eyepiece.

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Just been looking in argos catalogue and they do ankle and wrist weights from a starting weight of .5kg,1kg,2kg etc. Nice soft padded material so wouldn't mark the scope. Was thinking of getting the 1kg one and then strapping it round the ota via a strap or belt like item.

Clear skies to you all :-)

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Cracking eyepiece and a nice collection of other eyepieces you have too.

The wrist and ankle weights are good idea. I used those myself. And then for the 250PX the drill came out and i got serious. I think my solution is still in the DIY section. 

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Just been trying it out for balance in the garden (gorgeous day) . Had the tensioners fairly tight (more than normal) and it seems fine. Obviously I'm going to take extra care and attention when in use,but as it stands I'm going too hold off buying those wrist and ankle weights I mentioned above.

Can't wait for later to give it first light later,bit disappointed in the moon being in the way but I suppose that will make a good target too. My first targets will be the double cluster in perseus and the Pleiades,as this will allow me to appreciate the fov this eyepiece gives :-)

Clear skies to you all :-)

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Can't carry on spending like this John,the other half is going mad. I've told her I only want ONE more eyepiece (going to try the hutech 7mm) and a 2" castell oiii filter as I have the uhc version. Then I can truely settle down to full observing sessions,knowing I have a wide range of gear too do so. :-)

Clear skies to you all :-)

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Every once in a while you just need to buy something a bit cheaper one month, and then more costly the next, It shows your partner you have self control. When I bough a 5mm ortho this month the missus said

Well that was cheap wasn't it :smiley:

I say


but I stay quiet when I don't tell here the Delos is coming after.

Seriously though,  she knows the Delos and pentaxes coming and understands my justifaction for buying them, we are always up front when it comes to hobbies and finances, the bets ploy IMO. After all, she has looked through my collection too, and understands and is fine with it. She wasn't so keen on the tightness of the orthoscopic when she tried it. If course you have to use that opportunity and immediately say.

Right, that's gonna cost ya if you want the other solution  :laugh: 

Hope you enjoy the new 28mm Whopper, If you do buy that 7mm ortho you can use the 28mm nirvana as a storage case for it too, they are that small in comparison :D

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I could have stayed up all night with just this ep alone but the other half started moaning lol.

First point to say is I did not have a problem with balance as I said earlier in a test run. I had the tensioners a little tighter than normal and kept it that tension,during the session. My findings are that I will NOT need any weights at all.

Next point is the design,it's a beautifully made eyepiece. Could just place it on the mantlepiece and look at it all day :-) now on too the twist up eyecup,I didn't have a problem again with this design. What I did struggle with was my eye placement,if I didn't get it just right it started to black out in various areas of my view (don't know what this condition is called) it was frustrating at first until I found the ideal spot. Maybe took me 20 mins or so to figure this out but all is fine now.

So on too the observing.......

The moon was shining brightly (which spoiled the fainter dso`s a lot) so this was my first target. The image was crisp,sharp and in full view with plenty of dark sky to spare. With more sky to observe around targets,I think it gives you a feeling of just floating in space. .....hmmmm sorry guys,breakfast is calling,will continue my report shortly :-)

Clear skies to you all :-)

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Belly full,I will continue......

My main targets were the double in perseus and the Pleiades,these two made me really appreciate the wider fov. Framed both of them and more,pin sharp stars almost to the edge and lots of colour splattered around....Just beautiful :-)

I'm used to just framing the m35 but to just to see it in the middle of hundreds of other stars (not associated with the cluster) was a joy.

With the wider fov it didn't take me much movement to switch from m36 and m37 in auriga, again a wonderful site :-)

Now the famous m42....WOW nebulosity and detail were more obvious in this ep than any other I own,probably cos of the quality. Surprised really cos of the proximity of the moon. Plus in the same fov.....ngc 1981 coal car cluster,never noticed this before as its not appeared in the same view so just gone from m42 too something else. I stayed with this view and just WONDERED :-)

Time too check the uhc filter with this nirvana,screwed in nicely and swung to the Eskimo. Again close to the moon so didn't expect it to show up but BANG....there it was,averted vision showed the glowing surrounding but direct just showed the central star.

Onto the owl (never seen this) I knew I had to only view this with the uhc inserted as is it's faint. Also with the moon I almost new it would be a wasted effort....how wrong was I. Rigel got me in the area and YES.....there it was. I've tried before and to no avail,I'm sure it's the wider fov that helped me :-)

There is another object I'm not sure about though.....

I set the rigel pointing me in the area I THOUGHT was the Rosetta neb and what I saw was a handful of night stars and I'm sure there were nebulosity there but it didn't somehow look like Rosetta. It turned out to be the Christmas tree ngc 2264,yet another bag :-)

So there are lots more to see but my bed was calling,and my other half. I'm well impressed with this eyepiece and I can't wait to give the veil a good with it. Thanks to all who advised and especially John and to flo for the speedy delivery.

Clear skies to you all :-)

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I would recommend Edmund Erfle 32mm, it has huge approx 80 deg FOV, and it is not heavy as N31 or ES 30, and it show more stars in center than both ES and N31.

Its price is also afordable if you can find some.

He is no longer produced.

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I would recommend Edmund Erfle 32mm, it has huge approx 80 deg FOV, and it is not heavy as N31 or ES 30, and it show more stars in center than both ES and N31.

Its price is also afordable if you can find some.

He is no longer produced.

I think the poster has already bought an eyepiece - the Skywatcher Nirvana 28mm.

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Sounds like you are having a good time with it and glad it works for you. Sounds to me you did really well to see all that stuff. My light polluted skies here and viewing a bit of the moon, Jupiter and Mars later, the sky was very bright, but a UHC can actually help quite a bit on a lot of targets I find in such conditions.

The owl is a beauty, when you have good conditions with the nice FOV you have it makes a beautiful pair along with the surfboard ( M108). I recall one night not looking at much else in the 28mm. One of the finest double targets in that area for low mag wide FOV viewing that you will fit very nicely in that eyepiece. 

Happy viewing with the new toy :smiley:

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