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Hi everyone I'm new here (and new to astronomy)  so forgive me if there is already threads about Plossl and if this is a silly question.

I got my new telescope the other day a SkyMax 127, it came with a 2x Barlow lens, a Super 10mm and a Super 25 wide angle, I'm not going to upgrade just yet as I want to get to grips with it before I do anything, learn to walk before I run so to speak. I've just seen a deal for Plossl High Quality Ostara Eyepiece 1.25" Inch Set, 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 40mm with Hardcase, price is £99. Is this a good price, and are they any good ?



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I would pretty much stay clear.  Anything that calls itself Hi Quality at that price is lying.  They are typical mass produced China made EPs.  I have one that I was given.  It is the only EP I do not use.  I am keeping in case the barrel becomes useful for a mod.

For £40 more you can get the Celestron set from FLO

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I would pretty much stay clear.  Anything that calls itself Hi Quality at that price is lying.  They are typical mass produced China made EPs.  I have one that I was given.  It is the only EP I do not use.  I am keeping in case the barrel becomes useful for a mod.

For £40 more you can get the Celestron set from FLO

Thanks sbooder, I did think the price seemed low after looking around on the web, but wanted to get feed back from people who know more.


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I agree with the first answer but would aviod sets. Go for the BST's they will be better than the stock eyepieces from your scope manufacturer.

Plossl eyepieces like Orthoscopic eyepieces also have a very short eye-relief at the 5mm and 6mm end so are more difficult to use but good Plossl eyepieces are great addition to any eyepiece collection. Televue make some excellent ones and the Meade Series 5000 Super Plossl range I had were also very good.


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@Rogue1892 Agree with rory. Save your hard-earn money, spend more time with your stock eyepieces before thinking of get new eyepieces. You have better chance to come to right decisions when you know what you want.

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Great advice from everyone as always!  It made me think again about Ken Fulton's excellent book 'The Light Hearted Astronomer'. 

One part says with tongue in cheek "You do not need that set of 64 eyepieces." He advises, "Face it, unless you're gonna use them for chess pieces, you don't need that many."

I think there is some truth in this book, well worth a read.  Buy them 1 at a time as you discover the need for them & buy nice quality (plenty on the forum discussed for all budgets).

Enjoy the scope, I looked through one of those and its an excellent choice & very portable which is very useful. 

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