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Pentax SW 14mm v Ethos 13mm


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I find it funny all the talk about gaps in our eyepieces and no one is right or wrong. I have had nights when I consider there is a gap between 6mm and 5mm and at really short F/Ls sometimes I wanted a .25 increase, thank God for the Nagler zoom 3mm-6mm.

At the longer end though I am looking very hard and wondering whether to off load some, the trouble is I can't make up my mind which, maybe I will let you all have a stab at helping me.


You are asking in the wrong place Alan. Last time I asked a similar question I was just told to keep them all, or buy more!! ;-)

I may do likewise at some point to raise some cash, keep thinking of moving the 21e on for the moment as I probably use the 17 more, but can't bring myself to do it!


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At the longer end though I am looking very hard and wondering whether to off load some, the trouble is I can't make up my mind which, maybe I will let you all have a stab at helping me.

I may do likewise at some point to raise some cash, keep thinking of moving the 21e on for the moment as I probably use the 17 more

I can't help thinking meeting you two here is going to end up costing me more money :rolleyes:

Out of interest, Alan, what do you use the 3-6mm Nagler Zoom in? I toyed with the idea of picking one up but the 2800mm focal length of the CPC would make it more or less useless and I have struggled to use anything below 7mm in the 8" Dob.

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I don't believe in having too many EPs and over the years have settled on 21mm Ethos, 13mm Ethos, 10mm Delos and 8mm Ethos. I have a 38mm Panaview which I only use in my 180mm Mak/Cass .

Of all the eyepieces that I have ever tried the 13mm Ethos is the best all round EP. It is good in my Mak/Cass, 10" Dob, 6" Newt and 4" APO frac so given the choice between the Pentax and the Televue I would go for the latter.

I only bought the 10mm Delos late last year to have something between the 13mm and 8mm Ethos for my DSO work. Last night there was a lot of dew about and the Delos remained clear for most of the time that I used it. - the Ethos EPs did mist over so they were changed more often.

I am currently testing the Hutech Orthoscopic EPs and have the 6mm, 9mm and 18mm. I particularly like the 6mm and may add that focal length to my collection.

So to answer your initial question I would go for the 13mm Ethos although the 14mm Delos would be very close by.

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I can't help thinking meeting you two here is going to end up costing me more money :rolleyes:

Out of interest, Alan, what do you use the 3-6mm Nagler Zoom in? I toyed with the idea of picking one up but the 2800mm focal length of the CPC would make it more or less useless and I have struggled to use anything below 7mm in the 8" Dob.

The zoom is great for shorter focal length scopes. I use mine in the TV76 and AT106 and gives a good range of magnifications right up to and just beyond what is normally useable. Great for tuning to a specific magnification. I will stand to be corrected but I suspect it would be too much in an 8" with 1000mm or more focal length. Definitely too much for the SCT.


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I don't believe in having too many EPs and over the years have settled on 21mm Ethos, 13mm Ethos, 10mm Delos and 8mm Ethos.

Just wish I could be that self controlled! :-)

If ever I get a decent run of observing I will maybe try to do some assessing which are most used and rationalize them down. Most of my scopes are around f6 to f7 now so I don't need such different ranges as when I had the Mak.


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I tracked a used Ethos 13mm on Ebay this week and it sold for £390. There is another on sale there with a "Buy it now" price of £399.99.

Are these normal second hand prices for this EP?

I'd much rather spend another £50 and have a new one with a warranty but don't want to do that and then find that normal used prices are significantly lower.

All advice greatly appreciated :wink:

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I tracked a used Ethos 13mm on Ebay this week and it sold for £390. There is another on sale there with a "Buy it now" price of £399.99.

Are these normal second hand prices for this EP?

I'd much rather spend another £50 and have a new one with a warranty but don't want to do that and then find that normal used prices are significantly lower.

All advice greatly appreciated :wink:

I think those prices are a bit over the top to be honest. I think something around £300-£320 is about right for a nice used Ethos 13, perhaps £290-£300 for the 8mm or 6mm.  I didn't have to pay much more than the prices you quote above for my 21mm Ethos and that costs a fair bit more new.

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I think those prices are a bit over the top to be honest. I think something around £300-£320 is about right for a nice used Ethos 13, perhaps £290-£300 for the 8mm or 6mm.  I didn't have to pay much more than the prices you quote above for my 21mm Ethos and that costs a fair bit more new.

Thanks, John, that confirms my suspicion.

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If it helps I paid 315 for my 6mm and 360 for my 13mm but the prices of the new ones have come down since, I think I agree with you for an extra 50 quid you can get a new one. It may be worth giving Telescope house a bell as they gave me 10% discount on my 8mm and there were no sales or the like on at the time.

In my opinion anyone that pays 390 for a S/H 13mm needs his lumps feeling, now 320 or a bit less should get you a very good one.


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I have had a nibble on my wanted add for an Ethos 13mm at a price I can live with. But I also have a T1 Nagler 13mm on its way in the post!

Now I do understand that having two 13mm EPs is probably unnecessary, but it does give me the option of having one in the CPC and one in the Dob at the same time :lol:

...and I am trying desparetly not to look back at your For Sale items, Alan. I had to lock myself in a cupboard for most of yesterday to avoid buying the lot!

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It was hard for me to write the advert. Though just because there is an advert does not mean anyone wants them. Going back to the zoom, it would be of little use on a scope like the CPC as it has a massive focal length like mine.

BTW I may be selling more so it maybe best to look the other way, it will not be the 13mm Ethos though.


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