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Messier Moon Shots - Feb. 15th, 2014


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I think these are the first images I've tried processing from my Edge 8 SCT, though I have had a few sessions before where I took videos that I have not processed yet. :embarrassed:

I've called these Messier Moon Shots because one of my favourite lunar features, the twin rays from Messier, was in the first shot I processed of Mare Crisium, and it also sneaked its way into the last shot, of Langrenus. :smiley:

Mare Crisium (0.7 reducer and 742 IR-pass filter):


Mare Serenitatis (Prime focus and probably 742 IR-pass filter):


Hercules and Atlas (1.7x Barlow and red filter):


Ptolemaeus area (Prime focus and probably 742 IR-pass filter):


Langrenus, Petavius and Furnerius (1.7x Barlow and red filter):


For the first image I used something that's fairly new to my kit, the 0.7x reducer, which I got from FLO. I'd been after one for ages, at first with a view to using it for DSO imaging to speed up the SCT. But I think it will get more usage at the current rate for lunar imaging, bringing down the focal length a bit. And maybe it will be handy for visual, perhaps it will allow a wider view with my existing eyepieces?

Feb 15, 2014
Edge HD 8, Grasshopper 3 (ICX 687), red filter or 742 IR-pass filter

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Congratulations Luke on your excellent Lunar images.

The moon is fine subject for a camera/scope marriage, and these are top drawer.

Keep providing them them, they are very welcome in the lunar imaging section :icon_salut: :icon_salut: .


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Thanks all for your kind comments, they are most appreciated :)

Shaun, after digging out the link, I've realised it's a 1.6x, not a 1.7x Barlow :D I got it here after Alexandra (Montana) recommended it for solar:


As mentioned in the product description, the product photo is of an older version and doesn't show that it now has a 1.25 inch filter thread on the front. I find this Barlow very useful for imaging :)

Ron, lunar imaging has been a revelation, I think I am a lifelong convert :)

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