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Sunspots in the 1980s


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Hi folks,

My effort from yesterday's fabulous complex of sunspots (AR's 1980 to 1984) near the centre of the disc. I used a 2.5x Powermate to try and sneak in a bit closer, but struggled when processing it and ended up downsizing the image by about a third.



The 1980s, those were the days! Knight Rider, The A Team, Back to the Future, ... :grin:

Looks like a few nice little spots are coming into view on the latest images on SDO. Hopefully the white light can keep the show going well into next week! :smiley:

Feb. 22nd, 2014
Equinox 120, Baader Herschel Wedge, Grasshopper 3 (ICX687) camera, Solar Continuum filter, 2.5x Powermate

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Superb Luke.

If you can remember the Eighties, you weren't actually there. Oh hang on wasn't that the sixties? I get confused between the two. Wasn't the eighties, silly hair styles, rubbish music, Maggie Thatcher, Torvil & Dean and nowt good on the telly?


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Thanks, all :)

Steve, I guess the seeing was not up to it, it's starting to look like that is when the edge is rippling a fair bit? I wonder which is best, using a shorter focal length or downsizing the image?

Jarrod, I keep meaning to try and find a site with Ye Olde White Light photos! If it is a relatively quiet solar maximum this time around, I'd love to see some "busy" solar images from the last maximum. I'm trying to think if webcams would have been around then or affordable(ish) DSLRs?

Alexandra, I was hoping you were going to shoot these spots and treat us to some more of your amazing white light shots!  Hopefully the best spots are yet to come :)

Dr Robin, I thought the 80s were ace for TV and music :) Decade of (in my opinion!) the greatest hard rock album ever made, Appetite for Destruction. Strangely, my favourite album is either that or Adele's 21. :confused:  And TV has never been quite the same since Dogtanian, in my view. :grin:  One for all and all for one, Muskerhounds are always ready :dog:

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Not wanting to get in to a discussion about the best hard rock album, I never liked GnR when they were out, eventually bought one of their 'Best of CDs' and put it on in the car now and again.  Not sure what my favourite hard rock album of the 80s is, probably Blue Oyster Cult's Extraterrestrial Live from the early 80s, that would certainly be up there (at least 'Extraterrestrial' is not completely off topic).  I saw them in 1983 and to this day it is the loudest concert I have ever been to.  You could feel the noise in your stomach and I had a slight deafness that lasted for a couple of days, even though we were sat mid way back in the circle.

I have to confess to not having a TV for four years in the early/mid 80s whilst at Uni, so perhaps my views are slightly biased. 


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No telly? That's what got me into GnR, I was flicking through channels late one night and they were showing GnR. It was that album, AFD, that I loved, I was not so keen on the other albums (though there were a few good songs spread across them) so if anyone has not tried it and sort of likes their other stuff, I'd highly recommend it.

I couldn't wait to get the guitar tab book and pretend to be Slash. To this day I still can't play Sweet Child 'o Mine. Maybe by the time I am 90 :D

Getting back on topic, I see things are progressing nicely on SDO, I take it the big 'un is back that Steve was giving us a heads up on?:

SDO latest white light

Hard to tell maybe at the mo how big it is?

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