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Bloggers, Websiters, Imagers - What software do you use?


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I've recently felt moved to record some of my images (loosely speaking!) for posterity. :p

Competent enough in HTML, but hoping to avoid effort re. cross platform / browser issues, I decided to consider some popular Blogging etc. software. After a bit of reading, I plumped for Wordpress... So far so good? I am not overly bothered re. blogging / receiving / sharing comments. This is mostly for "personal consumption" - A diary of observations etc. In that sense, I have disabled most of the Front Page blogging features (Retained on a secondary page) and I've gone with so-called static pages.

Overall I am rather impressed! Looks like I can do most of my *preferred* HTML layout stuff. I do like my TABLES (Yes, for data, not layout. lol) and especially "floating images"! Looks like table styling is amenable to tweaking, with the $30 upgrade to allow CSS styles. A potential show stopper re. floating images - It's tricky to STOP text floating around images, was circumvented by a (user found) hack. :cool:

For the technically minded: <br clear="both" /> (sadly "absorbed" by the editor)

can be replaced by likes of: <div style="clear:both;"> [stuff] </div>  etc. etc. :)

QUESTION: Yet to explore image storage, I'm interested how others approach this. Do you use e.g. Flikr? I am slightly less enthusiastic about that. Tales of "Image Harvesting"? Again, not sure I need yet *more* sharing / comment facilities! lol. I suspect I would be happy enough with the integral 3Gb storage of free Media library storage of Wordpress. I note this is a "flat" (non-hierarchical) structure. Maybe I will miss a "tree structure" when I've got a lot more images? I guess Flikr has image sets. Maybe simple cloud(?) storage of image files would be sufficient? 

I plan on a (VIDEO Astronomy) diary of objects - A (slow!) Messier (and Caldwell) Marathon?

I have a Table (11x10 grid!) of Icons linking to a floating image / paragraph for each object.   ;)

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Tables are very outdated technology. I spend so much time getting rid of them and replacing the code with HTML5 and Javascript (Jquery UI)

I'm not sure what you referring to, styling within the HTML tags is not a good practice. Best practice is to link things using an external style sheet.

for example if you wan to clear both sides of a div: <div class="dummy-name"> pla pla pla </div>  .. then you go externally add:





You can certainly continue doing internal styling, but it'll hinder search engine and over time modern browser will start to ignore some of these styles.

Makes life a lot easier and much faster to tweak the code without having to fiddle with the existing HTML.

For photos, I tend to use Flickr... :)

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